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Posts posted by master_q

  1. A Bat'leth!? Really? LOL


    It is just so stupid. I remember when the government was "cleaning house" in Chicago's public housing complexes. The government, without any justifiable reason (no warrants or anything), kicked down doors and took weapons and any "illegal" substances. Bill Clinton justified all of this by saying that the "most important freedom we have in this country is the freedom from fear". He went on to say without that no one is free. (Whatever that means.)

  2. Don't believe it for a second. We are not even a Type I Civilization (but we are getting there). We are a Type 0 Civilization. To "go faster-then-light" is impossible. Other means would probably require a Type II or (most likely) higher civilization to be able to manipulate spacetime; which we are not even close to, or really understanding on the Planck scale. Physics currently does not have a finished theory on spacetime at these scales. A prerequisite to travel the stars (at "warp speed") is a developed and finished quantum theory of gravity. (This may be from loop quantum gravity, superstring theory, M-theory, or something else or, possibly, a combination.... e.g. loop quantum gravity and string/M theory takes off as the "third road to quantum gravity.") Despite what a lot of pop-science books say, there is a lot more work to do, to get to quantum gravity. From what I read it seems as the unification theories are once again stuck. It will most likely take another revolution to heat the theories up again (e.g., just like when the string theories involved, in a sense, into M-theory).


    Once we achieve this kind of technology to travel across the stars (if we are able to do so and do not kill each other beforehand), we will be more then "deserving" to go out into space and better ourselves. If we had the technology and the science right now, we would be more then "deserving" to better ourselves. The best hope we have right now and in the future, are those companies/individuals that are working hard to get into space without the government. They will find stuff to better ourselves (maybe something we could get off the moon, as an example). Government can't do that compared to a free people. Space exploration would create opportunities, as long as the government was out of the picture (but, at most, protecting individual rights). Bettering ourselves in a capitalistic fashion is the most moral thing we could do in space. (This obviously, because of the erroneous definitions of capitalism, does not include the use of force, which is a distinctive socialistic practice and value.)

  3. Trivia Scores - Start of New Year Trivia

    with guest host Master Q

    1/1/06 to 1/7/06


    This trivia week launched the Official Star Trek Trivia for the brand new year of 2006! Let's hope it is a good one. :tear:


    I want to thank all of you that took some time to participate this week. And of course a big thank you also goes to Matt and Jack for having me guest host. And a thank you to VBG.


    Again, thank you much. Good Job All! It was fun. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks much. A Very Happy New Year to Each and Every One of You!!


    Stay Safe.


    Until Next Time I'll See You In The Q Continuum...





    Week's Answers

    #1354 [ANSWER 34 = "Hide and Q"]

    #1355 [ANSWER 35 = "Rapture"]

    #1356 [ANSWER 36 = "Balance of Terror"]

    #1357 [ANSWER 37 = "Data's Day"]

    #1358 [ANSWER 38 = "Unity"]

    #1359 [ANSWER 39 = "Star Trek The Motion Picture"]

    #1360 [ANSWER 40 = "Star Trek IV The Voyage Home"]

    #1361 [ANSWER 41 = "Timescape"]

    #1362 [ANSWER 42 = "Afterimage"]

    #1363 [ANSWER 43 = "Time's Orphan"]

    #1364 [ANSWER = C.]





    [First Place! Congratulations!]

    #1354: +10 points

    #1355: +10

    #1356: +10

    #1357: +10

    #1358: +10

    #1359: +10

    #1360: +10

    #1361: +10

    #1362: +10

    #1363: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +100 points





    #1354: +10

    #1355: +10

    #1357: +10

    #1358: +10

    #1359: +10

    #1360: +10

    #1361: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +70 points




    sea trooper

    #1355: +10

    #1357: +10

    #1360: +10

    #1361: +10

    #1362: +10

    #1363: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +60 points




    Lt. Van Roy

    #1357: +10

    #1358: +10

    #1359: +10

    #1360: +10

    #1361: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +50 points





    #1354: +10

    #1358: +10

    #1359: +10

    #1360: +10

    #1361: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +50 points





    #1357: +10

    #1359: +10

    #1360: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +30 points





    #1360: +10

    #1362: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +20 points




    3 of 7

    #1358: +10

    #1360: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +20 points





    #1360: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +10 points





    #1360: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +10 points





    #1354: +10

    TOTAL FOR WEEK: +10 points


  4. Answer:


    "C. Your time will appear running at half speed."




    We will assume one thing: there is some kind of constant relative motion between both observers. (It does not matter who might be "really" in motion or how the relative motion may be "divided" etc.) The principle of relativity retains the symmetry of the problem. The captain has every right to say that his ship is not in motion and that ours is in motion. This can go either way. Symmetry rules. When you drive a car and go past a tree....Who is in motion? From the drivers perspective, it looks like the tree is in motion and the driver is not. The principle of relativity must come into play. Knowing who really is in motion would violate the principle of relativity. Yes, the spaceship's clock might be moving slower relative to yours. This implies that our clock is moving faster relative to the spaceship's clock. However, you must remember the principle of relativity. "But how?" Understand that time desynchronization occurs (which leads to the shrinkage of space). For example, if you have a subatomic particle move at a speed close to that of light, its lifespan will be greater. However, because it is greater does not mean that it (pretending it has a brain and things of that nature) will know that it has lived a longer life. The number of heart beats of someone that is moving with that particle will be the same as if the person appeared at rest....BUT as far as this person is concerned he/she is at rest and outside observers are the ones in motion.


    Beyond that here is how the special theory of relativity starts: It starts with light, the second axiom of relativity. Maxwell's equations imply that the speed of light is constant. It does not matter who views this speed, it will always be equal to c. You can try to chase the beam of light, but you still will get c. You can try to run away from it, but you will still get c. It does not matter if the emitting source is moving or not. Einstein reasoned the only way to maintain this is if the nature of space and time were different, relative concepts. Paradoxes are fixed once you change the nature of space and time. For example, if you put a bulb in a middle of a cubed room that is moving at some constant relative motion, it will hits all the walls the same. This, however, will not appear to happen from someone watching this room move at constant velocity. They will see it hit the back wall first because if it be otherwise this would imply that the speed of light has changed from being that invariant speed. The paradox is solved when you say that space and time change. Time dilates and space contracts. They are relative concepts. Not absolute; like classical physics' view that we are on an absolute stage of space and time. Einstein also united space and time into spacetime. He mathematically showed that we are all moving through spacetime with a net speed of c. If you are at "rest", you will only be moving through the time dimension. If you get up and move, then you will divert speed from the time dimension to move through the three space dimensions. And after he changed this nature of space and time it completely rewrote other concepts, such as momentum, which then leads to the discovery that you can also unite mass and energy. Etc. That is special relativity in a nutshell.