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Posts posted by Odo

  1. I can not set this up do not have the means

    but i know one of are resorseful members can.

    when rita hits texas if it does not weaken

    it may be the worst in history. as a world wide

    commuity we have a voice.

    It may be a blanket we give or the money for the shot.

    We all can help. Lets have the Star Trek Nation heard from.



    I will start do not have much but i will start with 75 dollars

    50 to the people 25 for the animals

  2. Kor

    am starting a weeks vacation

    as i said it disgusts me do not know if i will go back

    need the job. but can not take the grief.

    its my calling to take care of the sick and the old

    I know this it makes me feel complete

    but the crap from the powers that be. Leave me

    alone let me do my job. I am damn good at it

    so say the people i take care of

  3. I work in a nursing home. Use to like my job.

    They have now turned it into a bed and breakfast.

    I work midnights we now have to get up half the floor

    by 7am for breakfast. (28 people)

    theese people haved worked all there lives getting

    up early now that they do not have to we are making

    them. Its not right.

    But if we do not we get wrote up.

    We are told its for there own good

    My answer (!@@#$%^%&*(*&^%#$@!)

    Would you like me to make your mother,father,

    Grandmother,grandfather to get up? that early?

    Am totaly disgusted.

    why can't they eat in there room if they want?

  4. There was a song back in the 70's

    about a girl loosing her horse in a snowstorm

    and dying looking for it

    Think the name of the song was Wildfire

    Shows the feelings people have for there pets.

    Also a song about a dog who drowned and how

    distraut his owner was. Think it was called Shannon.

    Wow we had some depressing songs in the 70's

  5. I wrote this on Sept 1 as i watched CNN.

    And posted it in another thread. But the more i watch the news

    and the way things are going i just think its its even

    more true today. Hope you like it.


    In times of crisis we will stand tall.

    Not one city in this nation will fall.

    Be it quake,tornado or hurricane.

    We as a people treat them the same.

    We will empty our pockets and open our hearts.

    Every man, women and child will do there part.

    Through the tears and the sorrow.

    There will be tomorrow.

    We as a nation cry as one.

    But this is a job we will get done.

    We as a nation have been here before.

    911 and so much more.

    Wars and depression and disasters galore.

    But some say we can't take it no more.

    But as diverse as a people we stand as one.

    And as a great nation we can't be undone.