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Posts posted by spot_kitten

  1. i found this a very hard vote, i'm not sure i could live without either my sight or hearing, not being able to see my children or see what they achieved would be hard, and not being able to hear there chatter would be equally difficult.


    i have the greatest respect for those who do have impairments or any disability, and the way they overcome there disabilitys and remain positive is really a lesson for us all.

  2. Voyager has to be my favorite series, i liked the fact it had a strong female captain. However DS9 will always be a close second, i always loved the friendship between miles and julian, and i thought kira's character evolved loverly, i do also enjoy TNG and the TOS, and enterprise isn't that bad!

  3. it would be lovely to see another movie, but i feel there could be problems, particularly with a ds9 movie, as many of the characters are no longer on the station, and are all over the galaxy, it will have to streach the imagination to find story lines as to why they are all back, as with voyager yes there may again be possabilities eg with species 8472, i really think they could do a movie with both ds9 and voyager combined, now that could be interesting