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Posts posted by Stormtrooper_HK554

  1. T'Pol?

    Well,I would've voted T'Pol,but I heard Jolene got married...broke my heart (yeah,like I had a shot! :) ),so now I feel more like voting not T'Pol...

    :) What I'm really curious about though,is how this for fun nonsense poll has been hanging around,still collecting votes!Huh? :)

  2. Scrambled...this is about the only way I can cook eggs.I've tried making them other ways,but they ALWAYS end up scrambled anyway.Except,of course,for bioled eggs.But I don't like boiled eggs.Only make them for my younger brothers and sister,or at Easter.

    :) Luckily,I love scrambled eggs.

  3. Professional football player.A good one.

    I've never quite been big enough,fast enough,or talented enough to excel beyond small school/high school level football.I really wanted to keep playing well into college,but realistically thats just not going to happen,even if I work on it :) .

    Because my parents want me to go into medicine,I have actively guided my education in that direction since 7th grade,and have done well acadmically.But thats not where my heart is.I don't want to be a doctor.I watch tv shows like "Life in the ER",and that life is too stressful,too demanding.I couldn't take that.I'd snap.I don't know what I want to do....

  4. I hate professional wrestling.Its just a ten-in-one sideshow,with altogether too much sex and violence.I wouldn't mind so much if the show was rated for ages 17-up,or on cable television,but it isn't.Its on UPN,and targets a young audience.

    I'd also disagree that it is a "sport".

    There are very good reasons professional wrestling is not mentioned on ESPN,or talked about in newspaper sports sections anywhere!

    As for the death of Owen Hart...he died because he was attempting a stunt that he had no business attempting,repelling down from the arena roof on a faulty cord/rope/bungee cable/whatever...In fact,I doubt Vince McMahon disliked the boosted interest in his WWF after Hart's death generated news stories all over the place.

  5. Okay,the league is complete.All 12 teams have been registered,and only minutes ago I set the league's draft status to "ready".The draft will take place between tonight and midnight,Tuesday,October 14th.I'm fairly certain that league play will begin the week after that.I'll keep everyone posted.

    Looks like my Bruins have drawn Captain Freeman's Sharks in week-1.Captain,please don't take the butt kicking personally.Its just business :o

    Good luck everybody.Thanks for joining the FNHL.I hope your team roster's stay healthy,and have great seasons.



    I started to register a team yesterday,but never got around to it....

    Catch you next year.Dallas Stars Rule!!!!!


  6. I voted for Redjak,the murderous space entity that framed Scotty for the death of that dancing girl on Argellius(TOS).Was that episode "Wolf in the Fold"?

    ;) That's the one. Wasn't it girl "s"?, plural.

    Yep.Redjak killed a bunch of women. :b-day:

  7. I loved these episodes,in no particular order....


    Balance of Terror,The Naked Time,Shore Leave,Arena,The Doomsday Machine,A Piece of the Action,The Enterprise Incident,Spectre of the Gun,and Miri.


    :b-day:;);) (TOS Rules!!!!)

  8. I love Star Wars (even more than Star Trek,but I like Trek,too... ;) ),so most of my avatars are of Star Wars characters.Usually the bad guys.Since the Jedi "heroes" always seemed more 'evil' to me,anyway...

  9. I get most of my news from the newspaper,the radio,or the internet.We have one television here at home,and it is usually set on Angel One,PAX,TBN,or some similar religious-oriented programming.My parents watch the tv the majority of the time.Which is fine with me.I have only a few shows that I like,and don't care much for tv (with the exception of these shows),anyway.I'm a bigger fan of radio.