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Posts posted by indys_daughter

  1. [The one that comes to mind for me is ROSWELL.  I just don't see how a spin-off could work.  I think the best way to go is have a movie to wrap up what would have continued had season 4 been a go, and if this movie is a success, then make maybe 2 or 3 sequals.


    I love Roswell, it's like my all time favorite show ever! But I'm forced to agree that a spin off would just ruin it for me!! A movie would be really good though. I'm all over that idea!!!

  2. Oh. The "drug overdose" guy? Ugh. Can't remember his name either.


    Yea, no one can remember his name because he was so evil!!!! Omg last nights episode though was crazy!!! I never liked Seth and Anna together to begin with because they reminded me to much of brother and sister B) !!! It was really sad though!!! I don't want to say anything in case some people haven't seen it, but last nights show was pretty good. Oh, Mrs. Cooper's and Luke's relationship!!!! :dude: That's pretty messed!!!

    Ya you've missed alot. Now Seth and Summer are going out, but obviously Seth still has feelings for Anna. I thought Seth and Anna were great together. They were perfect. So alike. And ya, Luke and Marissa's mom is a little crazy. Lol.


    (And if you think it's weird that I'm a guy who watches the O.C., too bad. Lol. It's actually a show that many guys watch. It's strange.)

    I'm sorry, but Anna and Seth are friends period. A little to much alike for my liking. Anything more is just to weird!!! And just for the record I don't doubt that guys watch the O.C. I watch it every week with a group of guys. Granted they are gay, but that's beside the point. LOL

  3. Oh. The "drug overdose" guy? Ugh. Can't remember his name either.


    Yea, no one can remember his name because he was so evil!!!! Omg last nights episode though was crazy!!! I never liked Seth and Anna together to begin with because they reminded me to much of brother and sister :wow: !!! It was really sad though!!! I don't want to say anything in case some people haven't seen it, but last nights show was pretty good. Oh, Mrs. Cooper's and Luke's relationship!!!! :wow: That's pretty messed!!!

  4. Pirates of the Carrabian: Orlando bloom dies (HORRAY)

    Oh yea, definatly!!! I thought I was the only girl that thought he was evil!!! YAY!!!! :wow:

    Hahah! I may not be the only guy who thinks this, but I HATE Orlando Bloom. He was my least favourite in LOTR too. He was such a weiner.

    But Orlando Bloom is just so hott!

    Legolas is hot! Orlando Bloom isn't! And if you watch any interview he's ever done he's really self centered and stuck up!! Yuck! In the the third Lord of the Rings when he was all up on that elephant thing, that was nice, I enjoyed that a lot!!! :wow: