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Posts posted by Celtic_Swimmer

  1. RIKER!!!!!!!!! HOW CAN AnY ONE U THINK OF ANYONE BUT RIKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AHHHHHHHHH *runs in circles*

    Riker was an excellent First officer and hey HE HAD EMOTIONS!!! KIRA SUCKS she defied the federation almost the entire time..



  2. I thought it was a really good movie. And I agree it was so sad. Can you just imagine what kind of star she would have been if she had lived now.


    One funny thing, I read an interview where Brent was talking about the movie and he said the reviewer had given him a good review except for comments about him wearing a really bad wig. He laughed because he said it was his own hair in the movie.

    HAHAHAHAHA poor brent..


    i luv his acting..

  3. hehe i have a couple things to say..

    1) That blood on tasha when she died REALLY bothered me 2..

    2)THe entire 1st season was a joke... like seriously can u take one bit of it seriously?? cuz i can't .. The Naked Now.. laughed my head off the entire time... the pilot episodes omg troi and that HAIR..LOL... that code of honor was really bad!!!.., haven was soooo fake.. but i LUVED it when data asked if they could continue the Pety bickering.. lol

    3)omg no one likes troi :'( lol i really luved her character but i relate to her, since i am like the councelor/advice giver to all my friends...

    and 4)i don;t have a 4 at the moment but i am sure i will think of something.. lol



  4. :D

    How did everyone like this Movie??? with Brent playing Halle Berrys Agent?? When i first saw it i wanted to cry he was right for he the entire time and they were FINALLY gonna do something about it but then she died.. :lol:

    i found the movie to be quite sad at points but seeing data/brent was the reason i watched it in the first place..

    What u all think?



  5. I Agree Brent is well hott.. lol i couldn't say it last night since i was wit my bf :lol: but someone commented on his eyes.. they said that they liked his blueness.. lol i like the part at the end the part they copyed from star wars.. lol Brents awsome and i like when his hair was all Messy...


    Dana CArvey is actually really funny in this movie.. i like him tho but come one that Turtle part thats just the best...


    What Other Movies Has Brent Played in??

  6. Thanks, everyone!  This has been SO much FUN! I don't believe I have talked so much to so many different people in my life, well, at least about Trek! Here you don't have to keep your mouth closed if you like Trek in any way, shape or form! At my schools (Elementary through high school) if you said Star and Trek in the same sentence you ran the risk of being tossed in a dumpster or locked in a closet!(Those kids were cruel!)


    And AWWW i feel so bad for how they treated people.. in elementary school people who liked trek got teasted.. but now in high school and me being a senior no one says a thing since they all know i luv it.. in fact i am dating a guy who likes it more then me.. hehe but still i think its just the fact on how people represent themselves.. like me and my bf were totalkly cool like we don;t go around in star fleet uniforms doing the vulcan hand signal or speak like em.. we just watch em and comment on em.. and well he says i look like Deanna *i do not think so* but i think he looks like will hehehe *hes a cutie*

    but ALOT of my friends watch star trek too.. they all think its a very good show it shows what could be to come.. and if u like it i do not think u should hide it.. just don;t go to school in a star fleet uniform :lol:


    okies me done talking



  7. OMG me and my friends rented the movie Master of disguise and OMG it was one of the FUNNIEST movies EVER but anyways BRENT SPINER.. omg his character is howls... he farts everytime he laughs hard we died laughing just from that... lol and we never refered to him as Brent Spiner it was DATA.. or me calling him LORE since he was evil....


    But anyways has anyone seen this movie and if so what u think of it??

    and Icky He Smokes Cigars..




  8. This is Mostly for the Soong Sisters:


    Ode to Spot by Data


    Felis Cattus, is your taxonomic nomenclature,

    an endothermic quadruped carnivorous by nature?

    Your visual, olfactory and auditory senses

    contribute to your hunting skills, and natural defenses.


    "I find myself intrigued by your subvocal oscillations,

    a singular development of cat communications

    that obviates your basic hedonistic predilection

    for a rhythmic stroking of your fur, to demonstrate affection.


    "A tail is quite essential for your acrobatic talents;

    you would not be so agile if you lacked its counterbalance.

    And when not being utilized to aide in locomotion,

    it often serves to illustrate the state of your emotion.


    "O Spot, the complex levels of behaviour you display

    connote a fairly well-developed cognitive array.

    And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend,

    I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend



    ~~just because it was Mentioned~~