Kira Phaserman

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Posts posted by Kira Phaserman

  1. Hello, as some of you may know I am Kira Phaserman, I run a fleet called Lima Fleet, due to some changes Lima Fleet is having an over haul. I am looking for new people, experienced or otherwise to join us. Lima Fleet is not like any Fleet you may have been in before. We are more relaxed and more about having fun then about power, greed, and politics. If you are ready to try out a new way of simming please contact me at I can also be reached on aim at AliceACullen msn or yahoo kira_phaserman.


    Locked in a bitter war for thousands of years The Kntarain's and the Banor had needlessly slaughtered one another. The war was a stale mate until 190 years ago when the Banor broke through the defenses of the Kntarains to destroy their home world.


    In a frantic effort to save their youngest child, they ejected her in an escape pod through a worm hole. They never knew where she would end up for the worm hole never had a fixed position at the end.


    The Kntarian home world was destroyed it was the last thing their daughter had seen. As she grew she thought her species was all but dead.


    With the Dominion War long over and the Romulan's as allies things had quieted down for the Federation. Ships began returning to the everyday exploration and Lima Fleet was left to deal with the only threat left in Federation territory. With the help of the Valderan Empire, the Tydarian pirates were being quashed.


    On a scouting mission a Valdaran vessel and the USS Fearless came a crossed a worm hole. A severely damaged vessel came through, the one species that Fleet Admiral Kira Phaserman had not expected... Her own.


    Kira rushed to the vessel and the news this person brought chilled her to the bone. The Banor were coming, they were going to invade the only home Kira had ever known. The Kntarain's had beat them to the worm hole but it was only a matter of time. As the Kntarian's came through Kira felt some hope. Her family was alive and the Kntarians had a lot of ships.


    Hope soon faltered when the first Banor ships came through, the ambush they had set up nearly cost them 4 ships. They retreated back to Licentia where they made their stand.


    The USS Veroto, Kira's ship, sacrificed it self when it rammed in to the Banor capital ship. All crew made it off in time.


    But now the death toll is piling up as the Banor advance, vengeful Tydarian's join forces with the Banor.


    The war rages on as ship after ship is lost to these titan enemies, and Lima Fleet is the Federations Last Defense.


    Will you join the front line?


    Will you become the Federations Last Defense?


    Join us now, Lima Fleet can't hold on without your help.


  2. This is based of my PBF Simm


    Fleet Admirals Log

    Stardate: Unknown


    Ghost, Lock, Sparrow, and I have been trapped on a remote planet radio silance with the Veroto remains in effect. We are unable to locate our fighters. It seems what ever has trapped us here doesn't want us to stay but it doesn't want us to go. We have elected to finish our mission in hopes that if we do we can shut down what ever is keeping us here. We have 14 hours to complete our mission before the sun rises and the surface of the planet is uninhabital. Eng Log.


    Kira looked over at her andorian intel officer. He loked like he was feeling much better. The events from the past few hours replayed in Kira's mind. The probe, the electric shock that left her intel officer incapacitated. Sparrow, her 8 year old daughter, who had snuck on board one of the fighters before they took off lay curled up next to Lock.


    "Falcon" Lock spoke softly. Kira looked up at him.


    "Yes Lock." Kira responded to her code name.


    "We have to get going" he said with a hint of urgancey in his voice.


    "He's right" Ghost whispered. "I can walk"


    The Andorian used the wall to pull himself to his feet. Kira lept foward to help him up. Ghost pulled his arm away from her, "I got it" he snapped. then realizeing who he was talking to. "Sorry Falcon, just a tad touchy."


    Kira frowned. "Better watch that tone with me Ghost, I got some dirty plasma manfolds." she scolded.


    "On a new ship?" he looked at her qith a questioning glance.


    "I'll make em dirty."


    to be conn