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Posts posted by robjkay

  1. For everyone that says "Garak wasn't bi cause he didn't hit on men" it really does beg the question of what the perception of being bi is. I'm bisexual, I don't go out of my way to have sex with guys, yet it's on my mind, just like with girls. Garak could have been flirting with Bashir and bisexual, yet he's not jumping Bashir's bones, like some straight women would want to do. If you ask me, straight guys and girls tend to want to jump more people than gay or bisexual people.


    Yeah, but how do you know what Garak was thinking?


    There was nothing on DS9 that showed that Garak was Bi or gay! I think Garak was straight being there was nothing that showed or said otherwise.

  2. well he said it himself when sisko, dax and bashier are missing on earth during the mid 21stcentruy. "i couldn 't stand big dinners with starfleet brass, that's why i became an NCO. makes the job a whole lot easier"


    Don't think many people can stand big dinners with the bras no matter what the persons rank is.

  3. The Jem'Hadar would make an excellent battle drone, if the Borg could supply them with a synthetic ketracel white. I do wonder if the Borg could successfully assimilate a Founder.


    I doubt assimilated Jem'Hadar would need Ketracel White. While the Jem'Hadar are genetically engineered to need it, the Borg are known to use genetic manipulation to alter drones, both for specific uses and for drone standardization. A little genetic manipulation, and the White is no longer needed.


    True, the assimilated Jem'Hadar would not need Ketracel White due to genetic manipulation.

  4. wernt they used in one of the movies but never seen being used?


    No they were never used in a movie that I know off.



    i mean i know they were used rarely on DS9 but i just thought they would of used them in the movies after generations.


    They were never used in DS9.

  5. The general look of the refit is of a constitution class, so it is (in my opinion) a constitution class.


    NX-class and Akira-class have the same general look. Excelsior-class, Ambassador-class, and Galaxy-class all have the same general look. Miranda-class, Soyuz-class, and Nebula-class all have the same general look. But they are all different classes.


    Yes the Excelsior-class, Ambassador-class, and Galaxy-class all have the same general look. But at the same time are nothing alike, one major thing that is different between the three is size and that all 3 ships have been in service at the same time.


    The Soyuz-class is based off the Miranda class but being it had a completly different mission for some reason they named it a different class. Officialy it was originally hoped that a new design could be developed for the Soyuz-class USS Bozeman, but practical considerations dictated the reworking of the existing USS Reliant model originally built for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. The Nebula Class is nothing like the Miranda class or Suyuz class, if anything it is more like the Galaxy class.


    The Miranda/Soyuz class is the only class that to a point look closely alike but are a two different classes. But this done on purpose and was not a mistake. Just like the Constitution & its refit that it was done on purpose for both to be that same class which canon proves!

  6. Should the refit Enterprise still be considered a Constitution-class starship?


    Yes because in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Scotty is studing a schematic of the Enterprise which says on top of the schematic Constitution Class Satrship!


    Now in TOS, we know that the 1701 is a Constitution Class because in TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles. Scotty is at a computer screen looking at a phaser diagram which say on it Constitution Class.


    Anyway it means both the 1701 (Constitution) and the 1701-A (Constitution refit) are both that same ship and is the same class. Also its canon! <_<


    I'm not asking if it's the same class.


    Go back to the original post, and read the edit.


    Let me clarify...


    Should the refit Enterprise still be considered a Constitution-class starship? Yes, because it is stated that the refit Enterprise is a Constitution-class! Its canon, so there is nothing to consider! :naughty:


    Let me clarify.


    "Stated" is irrelevant.


    In other words, given what we know of ship class naming precendents, did the producers make a mistake in continuing to call it a Constitution-class, even after refit?


    It is relevant!


    There is nothing that suggests it was a mistake.


    Both ships were called and considered a Constitution-class starship, its canon! The only difference is the ship registration which also shows it was a refit of the same class 1701 to 1701-A.

  7. no it wouldn't happen. like any great power, you'd have to exterminate every man, woman and child to actually make sure your power is absolute


    What would not happen???


    Besides it was more then likely that in the end the Dominion were going to exterminate every man, woman and child from every race including the once who were allied with them.

  8. yes ther ewas. the cardassion's defecting to the federation armada


    That was at the end of the war, besides it really does not make any difference!


    If the Alpha Q fell, it would have been doubtful that the Cardassians would have ever switched sides. They would have stated on the winning side.


    Besides it is not like the Cardassian were very powerful anyway, they were the weakest race in the Alpha & Beta Q.

  9. One of my many questions about Voyager has cropped up in my head. You remember those tri-cobalt devices that Tuvok used to blow up the Caretaker's Array? Where did they come from? They were just there! Seven revealed later that they weren't standard Starfleet technology. This one is reallllly perplexing. :jem'hadar:


    Well they came from Voyager, where else would they have come from? In VOY: Caretaker Voyager is seen actually firing the Tricobalt devices.


    I guess Tricobalt devices are normally used to take out large targets like space station. This is why normally SF ship do not carry them or if they do, they would only carry a few of them.

  10. while this is true, the klingons and the romulans wouldn't allow the dominoin to take control of the beta quadrant.


    By then it would not have mattered. Once the Alpha Quadrant fell with the total destruction of the combined Federation, Klingon, & Romulan fleets, there would nothing left to stop the Dominion/Cardassion fleets from taking the Beta Quadrant

  11. Should the refit Enterprise still be considered a Constitution-class starship?


    Yes because in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Scotty is studing a schematic of the Enterprise which says on top of the schematic Constitution Class Satrship!


    Now in TOS, we know that the 1701 is a Constitution Class because in TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles. Scotty is at a computer screen looking at a phaser diagram which say on it Constitution Class.


    Anyway it means both the 1701 (Constitution) and the 1701-A (Constitution refit) are both that same ship and is the same class. Also its canon! :jem'hadar:


    I'm not asking if it's the same class.


    Go back to the original post, and read the edit.


    Let me clarify...


    Should the refit Enterprise still be considered a Constitution-class starship? Yes, because it is stated that the refit Enterprise is a Constitution-class! Its canon, so there is nothing to consider! :assimilated:

  12. HI all there is something that has always confused about the domininon war. That is how come Sisco always said to Martok or The Romulans we must save the alpha Q. now if i know my Star Trek I know that the klingons and the romulans both have there Empires in the BEta Q. so how come they never mentioned the beta Q.


    :force: :jem'hadar: :quark::spock::klingon::borg2::assimilated:


    You need to remember that the wormhole that the Domimion used to get to the Alpha Quadrant was located in the Alpha Quadrant! Also being the Dominion was allied with the Cardassians and used there territory to build up there forces, was also in the Alpha Quadrant. Due to this the Alpha Quadrant was the key to everything, if it fell into enemy hands the Dominion would be able to receive unlimited reinforcements and the path to the Beta Quadrant would be open for invasion!

  13. The character of Miles O’Brien, and the exact rank he held in Star Trek, has a history of its own spanning the length of the character's existence. In thirteen years of the character’s apperances, only in the last four was his rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer ever firmly established. Through various other stages of the character’s development, O’Brien was referred to as a Crewman, a Lieutenant, and various script notes indicated he was a Warrant Officer. The novelization of DS9: "Emissary" indicated O’Brien held a rank known as "Ensign Junior Grade".


    Possible explanations for O’Brien’s various titles and insignia include:


    *During some points of The Next Generation, O'Brien may have held a field commission as an officer, which would explain why Riker once called him a Lieutenant. His continuous wearing of two pips (which is the standard insignia of a Lieutenant) might be a type of "honorary insignia" even though he was later clearly referred to as a Chief Petty Officer.


    *Starfleet non-commissioned officer insignia might be identical to officer insignia, with the number of pips worn by an NCO indicating level of seniority as a Chief Petty Officer. Under this system, one pip would equal a Chief Petty Officer, two a Senior Chief, and three a Master Chief. With O'Brien wearing two pips throughout The Next Generation, this would equate with his final established rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer in Deep Space Nine.

  14. What we need to know is what resources would be consumed by retrofiting, say, a Galaxy class for wartime duty vs. building, say, an Intrepid class from scratch and what the return on investment would be in terms of increased firepower, maneuverability, speed, etc. We are talking fiction here so we don't really know this information.


    Retrofiting an existing Galaxy could provides the same increase in firepower that a new Intrepid could for a third of the cost. However, it wouldn't be as maneuverable or be able to take as much damage. (Remember, the Enterprise was taken down in Generations with a single shot.) So it all depends on what your different (and possibly conflicting) goals are in starship design and deployment. A Galaxy class could be retrofitted to hold more phaser strips or whatever than an Intrepid could since it has more surface area, and because its warp core is bigger it can achieve higher warp speeds, but that may be of little use if it can't corner well and a single shot can bring it down.


    To confuse the question evem more, a third option is a ship like the Nebula class with modules that can be "swaped out" depending on the needs of a specific mission or series of missions.


    In ST Generations it was stated by the Klingons that there BOP was no match for the Enterprise.


    The reason the BOP was able to take on the Enterprise is because they altered Geordi's VISOR so the Duras sisters could see what Gerodi was seeing. Due to this they were able to optain the Enterprise shield frequencies. This is how they were able to fire upon the Enterprise basicaly destroying it because its shield were useless. It was not because the Galaxy Class is a weak ship!!!


    Also a basic Galaxy Class has more firepower then a Intrepid, also A Galaxy can stay in a fight a lot longer then a Intrepid. The Galaxies were very usefull in the Dominion war being it was SF most powerfull ship and thats why we see alot of Galaxies in various war scenes and no Intrepids!



    2371: Outbreak of War is not a certainty yet, but is a strong possibility. Starfleet has 2 major shipyards, UPFY and Anteres. Anteres will begin production of smaller warships (Defiant, Intrepid, and Akira class starships. Corvette, Destroyer, and Light Cruiser type ships). Let's say UPFY has 3 Galaxy and 2 Soveriegn class starships at between 65 and 75 percent complete. THis means their hulls are probably close to being finished, but they are lacking alot of their systems. I have them converted to warship specs in anticipation of an outbreak.



    SF had alot more the just two shipyards!


    40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards

    Antares Ship Yards

    Baikonur Cosmodrome

    Beta Antares Ship Yards

    Copernicus Ship Yards

    Earth Station McKinley

    Marin County Starfleet Yards

    Oakland Fleet Yards

    Proxima Maintenance Yards

    San Francisco Fleet Yards (also known as San Francisco Naval Yards or San Francisco Yards)

    Tranquility Base

    University of Copernicus

    Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards (also known as Utopia Planitia Ship Yards)

  15. The Galaxy Class is an Explorer of which can be compaired to a heavy cruiser. Before the Soverign Class was built the Galaxy Class was SF most powerful ship! During the Dominion War Galaxies where uprated carrying the follow weapons.


    Uprated Galaxy

    14 Type X phaser arrays total output 70,000 TeraWatts

    2 x Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo


    Regular Galaxy

    12 Type X phaser arrays total output 50,000 TeraWatts

    2 Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo


    Also there seems to be a third version of the Galaxy Class to where Ablative armour was added.

  16. I was looking through my TNG cards a while back and came across this so I thought I'd upload it.


    In all episodes of TNG Seasons 2-5, O'Brien is seen wearing the insignia of a full lieutenant while working as transporter chief; in one of them, "Where Silence Has Lease", he is also addressed as 'lieutenant'.


    The character of Miles O’Brien, and the exact rank he held in Star Trek, has a history of its own spanning the length of the character's existence. In thirteen years of the character’s apperances, only in the last four was his rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer ever firmly established. Through various other stages of the character’s development, O’Brien was referred to as a Crewman, a Lieutenant, and various script notes indicated he was a Warrant Officer. The novelization of DS9: "Emissary" indicated O’Brien held a rank known as "Ensign Junior Grade".


    Possible explanations for O’Brien’s various titles and insignia include:


    *During some points of The Next Generation, O'Brien may have held a field commission as an officer, which would explain why Riker once called him a Lieutenant. His continuous wearing of two pips (which is the standard insignia of a Lieutenant) might be a type of "honorary insignia" even though he was later clearly referred to as a Chief Petty Officer.


    *Starfleet non-commissioned officer insignia might be identical to officer insignia, with the number of pips worn by an NCO indicating level of seniority as a Chief Petty Officer. Under this system, one pip would equal a Chief Petty Officer, two a Senior Chief, and three a Master Chief. With O'Brien wearing two pips throughout The Next Generation, this would equate with his final established rank of Senior Chief Petty Officer in Deep Space Nin

  17. Should the refit Enterprise still be considered a Constitution-class starship?


    Yes because in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, Scotty is studing a schematic of the Enterprise which says on top of the schematic Constitution Class Satrship!


    Now in TOS, we know that the 1701 is a Constitution Class because in TOS: The Trouble with Tribbles. Scotty is at a computer screen looking at a phaser diagram which say on it Constitution Class.


    Anyway it means both the 1701 (Constitution) and the 1701-A (Constitution refit) are both that same ship and is the same class. Also its canon! :P