Dabo Queen

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Posts posted by Dabo Queen

  1. I LOVE Q!!!! :huh:


    John DeLancie OWNS as Q! Undoubtedly one of my favorite characters...and I loved that his actual son, Keegan, played Q's son on that episode of Voyager.


    The only Q I didn't immediately love is Junior's mom...ease up on the ice queen treatment, lady! It's no wonder Q's trying to get a baby from Janeway if you act like that!

  2. My friend and I actually set up a drinking game for Voyager because it became so predictable.



    - Take a drink if the alien species Voyager encounters is just a human with some kind of bump of their forehead.


    - Take a drink every time aforementioned alien species lures Voyager into some kind of trap under a pretense of friendship.


    - Take a drink every time Janeway sends Tuvok on an away mission (two drinks if Harry Kim goes).


    - Take a drink every time they can't beam someone out of a hostile environment due to unexplained interference.


    - Take a drink every time they absolutely have to explore that nebula/strange anomaly/Borg cube/etc.


    - Take a drink when Tom Paris opts to spend time w/Harry instead of B'Elanna.



    And if you're really hardcore:


    - Take a drink every time Seven of Nine utters the words "irrelevant", "inefficient" or "I/you/they/we/he/she will adapt".

  3. When somebody gets wet in the Holodeck and leaves the holodeck, why are they still wet, is it replicated like the food on the rest of the ship, and I remember I think in seaeson 1 Picard is hit from a snowball from wesley in the holodeck while standing outside in the hallway, wouldnt the snowball just disappear, has anyone else been bothered by these or am I just insane



    Oh my god...I just watched this episode and wondered the same thing!



    Like when Wes falls in the river in Data's holodeck program, and he's soaking wet when he comes out? And you can't live off holodeck food or get drunk from holodeck liquor, but in First Contact Picard kills Borg with holographic bullets?


    Why would holodeck programmers make it so you can die in a holodeck, but you can't get drunk?


    Actually, even though its not canon, in the book series where Kira is in command after the disappearance of Sisko, Ro actually does become 2nd in command. She and Kira don't get along too well though...... :huh:


    ^ Yet another reason I :( Ro Laren. :lol:


    That was the original plan but for some reason Michelle Williams didn't want to do it.



    Now every time I've watched a DS-9 episode since reading this, I've tried to mentally replace Kira with Ro Laren.


    Doesn't work, but I'll keep trying. :huh:


    I liked Ro a lot. She didn't let worshiping wormhole aliens rule her entire life. She lived life on her terms. I would have loved to see her have had the "Kira" role in DS9 as was originally planned.



    Ro Laren RULES.



    She was supposed to be second in command on DS-9 instead of Kira??? Damn it!

  7. Had to show some love for the two most fabulous ladies in Star Trek (both of whom happen to be Betazoids)- Deanna and Lwaxana Troi!!! :huh:



    I also liked Suiter (the schizo Betazoid on Voyager); but that may or may not be because Brad Dourif is in my top 500 Most Awesome Humans Ever. :(


    Who else loves the TRUE know-it-alls of Star Trek?

  8. reactorcore.jpg




    Lieutenant Nicoletti's Personal Log- Star Date 50537.5


    Boring day. Torres assigned us to clean out plasma manifolds AGAIN. I'm so sick of looking at plasma manifolds, I could scream. As usual, she paired me with Vorik. At least she paired me with someone who knows what he's doing, and someone Star Fleet...those damn Maquis always give attitude when they're told to do an assignment they think is 'beneath' them. Torres always keeps them in line, but I still feel more comfortable when I'm not worried about taking phaser fire in the back.


    Vorik seems back to normal after his Pon Farr incident. It must be embarrassing for him; having everybody from Captain Janeway to the other ensigns know something so private about him. What still absolutely floors me is that B'Elanna would say no to him, but yes to that womanizing jerk Tom Paris. It takes all kinds, I guess.


    I think about the men I dated back on earth, about David, specifically. He never remembered my birthday, was always late for our dates, too busy with his astrometrics work to bother with having a serious relationship. Vorik can remember tiny details about B'Elanna's conversations; things she likes, things that make her happy. Paris is just like David, only worried about what he wants, what he likes.


    Personal Quote For The Day: "A total abstainer is one who abstains from everything but abstention, and especially from inactivity in the affairs of others." - Ambrose Bierce



    Ensign Vorik's Personal Log- Star Date 50537.5


    Lieutenant Torres assigned me to plasma manifolds again today. While I understand clearly that this is part of my duties, I cannot help but wonder about her intentions. Does she still feel apprehensive towards me because of my conduct during Pon Farr? Would my skills not be better applied in some more important task? While it is not for me to question her openly, this is a curious example of emotion affecting judgment.


    Lieutenant Nicoletti was also assigned to plasma manifolds today. She seems to treat me differently since my Pon Farr, which is not surprising...most of the crew has treated me differently since that time. However, while most of the crew regards me with caution, Lieutenant Nicoletti seems to exhibit what humans call sympathy. It is very curious that she would react this way in the face of my violent, emotionally charged outburst.


    Daily Meditation Tenant: "All are lunatics, but he who can analyze his delusions is called a philosopher." - 19th Century Earth author Ambrose Bierce






    Coming Soon: Nicoletti takes a chance; Vorik is clueless to the Lieutenant's intentions!


    Actually, Spock kissed Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays". True enough, he was back in time about five thousand years and was reverting to the more primitive Vulcan, but still, he had to know how to kiss . . . I think it is safe to assume Vulcans pretty much mate the way Humans do. And about that finger-touching . . . Vulcan foreplay.





    I wondered about the finger touching...I saw Tuvok do that with T'Pel both during the episode "Bliss" and the episode where he went through Pon Farr.

  10. I would hate to have a Bajoran room-mate - they would be so moaney all the time. Oh blankets ... we never had blankets; oh replicators, we used to starve, oh moan moan moan.



    I'm going to agree with you, prometheus, especially if that Bajoran happened to be a certain nameless redheaded colonel who's constantly on her rag.


    I would also choose Ferengi and Borg as less-than-awesome roomates. Ferengi would always expect you to be naked, and Borg would try to assimilate you when you sleep...not to mention if I had to hear 'irrelevant', 'inefficient', or 'you will adapt' every ten seconds I would kill myself.


    Maybe a Bajoran and a Borg should live together:



    Bajoran- Waaaaaaahhhh! Occupation! Waaaaaahhh! Cardassians! Waaaaah!


    Borg- Your past is irrelevant.


    Bajoran- *crying* You don't know how it was!


    Borg- Crying is irrelevant.


    Bajoran- Gul Dukat tried to have sex with me!


    Borg- You will adapt.

  11. Today I was thinking about how Human Betazoid names seem.


    I cannot think of any Ziods which had a truly alien sounding name. Do you?


    Lwaxana & even Tam Ebram (SP?-Tinman) sound somehow Earthy to me.


    I wonder why (if true) the producers chose to give Betaziods such Human sounding names?


    Do many species have more Human sounding names than I am currently remembering? *hic*


    I love the Betazoids...Lwaxana Troi is my GODDESS. :P


    As far as human-sounding names, I think the Bajorans have some very human-sounding names (Kira and Leeta in particular). M'Pella not so much. :P