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Posts posted by Xeroc

  1. First of all, I will merge this with the previous Time Travel Thread, and any other comments should be made there.


    Also, I think for most time machines - like wormholes - you cannot travel any farther back than when it was created. Theoretically, if time is a dimension - and similar to a space dimension, you could step out of the timeline into a "timeless" exterior realm. This would allow you to travel to any point in time where (or more accurately when) the universe existed.

  2. tera' qayIn


    (That might be wrong, I'm not quite clear on the prefix part, it could be tera' jIyIn.)

    I belive the correct one must be:

    tera' jIyIn


    That reads:

    I live (on?) earth


    tera' - earth

    jI - I __

    yIn - live (or life)



    Here's one:


    vulqanganpu jISuch

  3. ok, heres a shot at trying a sentence in klingon. I don't know if I'll get it right thogh, I couldn't even do it from klingon to english! oh well, here goes, please correct me if I'm wrong, it might take me awhile to get the hang of it.



    tlhIgan hol jatlh jup



    thats probably totally wrong and doesn't make any sense...

    TNGtrekker220, I think that's right!


    tlhIgan hol jatlh jup

    (object - verb - subject)


    tlhIgan hol - Klingon Language

    jatlh - speak

    jup - friend


    (my) friend speaks Klingon Language

  4. You help me speak Klingon. (Just a wild guess).

    That looks right to me!


    cho - (you ___ me)

    Qah - help

    jatlh - speak

    tlhIngan Hol -Kligon Language


    choQah jatlh tlhIngan Hol

    You help me speak Klingon Language