Captain Holland

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Posts posted by Captain Holland

  1. I thought I saw bodies in space too. in one of the DS9 episodes, they show a Klingon vessel under attack, and they show an internal explosion, and a crewman running down the corridorslips, hits the deck, and is sucked out. also, in Nemesis, one of the bridge crew is sucked out.

    Yeah I just remembered the Nemisis thing, I guess I have seen it before. Wouldn't that be a horrible way to die?

  2. Well, I was watching Azati Prime, and near the end, durng the ship battle, there is a breach in Enterprise's hull, and then three or four bodies come flying out. Did anyone else notice this? I don't think I've ever seen this before in Trek. Just caught my attention. What do you think?

  3. Yeah, I think it would be cool.


    Heres a picture, you can kind of see a schematic on the panel behind Archer. The nacelles are kinda ugly though.

    Click for Spoiler:






    I'm an idiot, I went to all the trouble to find this picture and I didn't look to see if anyone had already posted it. :)

  4. The fish tank was trashed at the end of the movie...  Maybe Riker was inspecting the ready room, saw the leaking tank, and rescued the fish in the nick of time? :P

    Maybe. Livingston was there from Farpoint to Generations, I'd be a shame if he died.

  5. Yeah, I remember those commercials and they were a heck of a lot better than what they're showing now on Spike TV.  Personally, I hate the new Spike TV and will only watch it for TNG and for DS9 starting in April.  I cringe whenever they run commercials for their shows Striperella and Tripping the Rift.  It just all seems so juvenile.

    Hey Indy, where did you get the exact date for when Spike's going to be airing DS9? I've know they were going to do it for a while, but I only knew that it was sometime this year.

  6. I don't really care for Enterprise. In fact, it would kind of be a relief for me if UPN cancelled ENT. I wouldn't have to hual myself up out of my recliner to go into my room to watch ENT. :idea: Since I have to use an antennae to get Enterprise or Voyager because DirecTv doesn't provide local service. I do have a better TV in my room though. I still wouldn't mind seeing Enterprise get 7 seasons though.

  7. I was watching a The Nagus, and as you probably have heard, Starfleet antigravs don't work on DS9. But when Jake and Nog are sitting on the promenade, I could clearly see a Starfleet antigrav floating about in the background. ? I guess the producers missed that one, unless I'm mistaken. Has anyone else noticed that?

  8. the Borg ship was big, but I doubt it could withstand a volley of 6 warshots packing the power of 2 H-bombs a peice.

    They were the Borg. You never know. Of course they didn't, the ship exploded in a huge fireball, but that was with the combined firepower of all those ships.

  9. The only time I can think of that we saw Quantum Torpedos is in First Contact and the torps. were going into the Borg ship. So we couldn't really see the entire explosion. It might of been in Nemisis to, I can't remember.

  10. WEAREBORG4102, have you ever seen a hydrogen bomb explosion? You really believe the detonations we see when a QT explode equals the force of two H bombs? I don't.

    There is a diference between what the explosion looks like in atmosphere, compared to space.