Captain Holland

The Founders
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Posts posted by Captain Holland

  1. Hmmm, tell you what DS9 is like. I can tell you what it's like to me, to me it's the best Trek series they made.


    It has everything you could want in Star Trek and more, it's not always complete at the end of one episode. The universe seems more real, there's crime there's murder, there's a "mafia" with the "Orion Syndicate". It's gritty, it's exciting, it's just an awesome series.


    We get to see a different world in Trek with the Ferengi and with Quark specifically. We get to share in his adventures to skirt the law and we also get to sit in the security office while Odo tries to figure out how to catch Quark and throw him in a holding cell. We get to see an adolescent petty criminal named Nog meet a Hu-Mon boy and become great friends despite their father's and their culture's objections, then that same adolescent petty criminal begins to greatly look up to the Hu-Mon Captain and decides he wants to emulate him and join Starfleet to become the first of his race to do so.


    There is so much character development in DS9 that I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about each. But also, everyone knows that I have a bias towards DS9  :thumbs:

    Thanks VaBeachGuy, I want to see it even more now. Never knew there was a Mafia, always been interested in Mafia movies, stories, stuff like that. I would like to go to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas to see Quark's Bar and all the other stuff.

    Here's an episode Spotlight I did on the Orion Syndicate:



  2. Hmmm, tell you what DS9 is like. I can tell you what it's like to me, to me it's the best Trek series they made.


    It has everything you could want in Star Trek and more, it's not always complete at the end of one episode. The universe seems more real, there's crime there's murder, there's a "mafia" with the "Orion Syndicate". It's gritty, it's exciting, it's just an awesome series.


    We get to see a different world in Trek with the Ferengi and with Quark specifically. We get to share in his adventures to skirt the law and we also get to sit in the security office while Odo tries to figure out how to catch Quark and throw him in a holding cell. We get to see an adolescent petty criminal named Nog meet a Hu-Mon boy and become great friends despite their father's and their culture's objections, then that same adolescent petty criminal begins to greatly look up to the Hu-Mon Captain and decides he wants to emulate him and join Starfleet to become the first of his race to do so.


    There is so much character development in DS9 that I could write paragraphs and paragraphs about each. But also, everyone knows that I have a bias towards DS9  :thumbs:

    Thanks VaBeachGuy, I want to see it even more now. Never knew there was a Mafia, always been interested in Mafia movies, stories, stuff like that. I would like to go to the Star Trek Experience in Las Vegas to see Quark's Bar and all the other stuff.

  3. Sort of, our official name is Human.




    Actually I thought that our offical name was "Terran".Eh I dont know


    Yeh I think they got lazy.But hey whats wrong with lazyness?? :thumbs:

    Nothing is wrong with laziness. I'm real lazy. Sit all day, watch TV, post here, eat.

  4. I noticed that almost every species' planet is named after them. Except for humans. An example would be Vulcans=Vulcan, Romulans=Romulus, Ferengi=Ferenginar, Cardassians=Cardassia, etc. I think the writers just got lazy and named the planets after the species. :thumbs:

  5. In this particular dream I was in school again, Junior high school, and I noticed two things fall from the sky and into the large dumpster where we threw all the school garbage into. I look in and there is Beverly Crusher *Laugh, Mrs. Picard* and Data.


    And they clearly said...


    Bev: UGH! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! *looks at surrounding garbage*


    Data: *head pokes out* I may not have emotions, but this stinks.


    Me: HEWWO! *and of course, I WAKE UP!*


    Do you guys ever have nutty dreams like this? :o

    Dreams are trippy Florian Deenan


    I remembered one I've been waiting for chance to tell; I'm on the ENT walking down a corridor, every one I pass by is a screen name from this site. And I mean "screen names" hovering motionless in groups or moving up and down the corridor like real people might do but you all appear as JUST floating names. No offense.

    Was my username in it?

  6. Welcome, from an idea from subcommanderbevis I have decided to start my own Starship lot.




    First off, what Spacedock would be complete without your very own Enterprise A.

    Click for Spoiler:


    Beautiful with plenty of leg room. Gets 26 Lightyears to the gallon of Antimatter. Clocks out at warp 7.9. Only 3,000,000 bars of latinum.


    If your looking for a more luxurious model try an Excelsior class. Often referred to as the Caddilac of starships.

    Click for Spoiler:


    Runs great independent internal dampeners. Only 5,000,000 bars of latinum.



    Still not satisfied? Well then come on down to the Badlands near Deep Space Nine. :drool: Or call subspace channel 539.73.

  7. Ok, I'm pretty sure youve all heard that people say that the skies are crowded with airplanes. If you look up in the sky you see maybe 1 or 2 airplanes depending on your location. Until I see a aircraft traffic jam with planes honking and the pilots yelling for people to move I wont say the skies are crowded. What are your thoughts?