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Posts posted by GhostofMajorHayes

  1. I'm not speaking for her, nor am I acting like a mod. I'm just posting what I noticed. Once again, you failed to really talk about anything, and admit to fighting.



    Easy now, keyboard "warrior". You have me laughing so hard at your feigned reticence that i may break a rib. :) Anyways, I have better things to do with my time than debate this issue with someone that is only intent on trying to provoke an argument. Sorry, I won't take the bait. I save my debating for worthy opponents. :)

  2. Actually Major Hayes,
    Worf didn't shirk his duties as a father. He knew he couldn't take care of Alexander,
    so he sent him to a safe and loving home of his parents. Your main argument from before about Klingon's "stench" is just a bad attempt at humour in the best case or racist in the worst case. About Dukat,
    he openly told Kira that he wanted to kill Ziyal the time they found her, but he couldn't do it. Instead of killing her, Dukat took her in
    and became a smothering parent, to the point of blindly ignoring anything "wrong" that she did. When she wouldn't go with him, during the evac of Terok Nor, Damar shot her to get Dukat to just go with him. Another thing, the way you talk to others, you don't actually address what they say, you just insult them and roll your eyes. In your last post, you ignored what SeeingEyeBorg said about other species gatherings, instead, you just insulted her in her like of a different character.
    Next time, you might want to focus more on what people actually say instead of what you interpret.


    Actually, sending his kid to live with his stepparents is shirking his duty :) Thats an easy out.


    Yes, Dukat couldn't kill Ziyal. That was my point, thanks for re-iterating it. :)


    Next time, you might want to focus on yourself and stay out of others disagreements. Last time i checked you were not a moderator here. seeingeyeborg is a big girl. She can take care of herself. I don't think she needs you to speak for her :o :)


    ....oh, and as far as any "bad attempt at humor" Try not to assume too much. You do realize that klingons actually don't exist right? :)

  3. I'm glad Data died, how can an android keep getting fatter, think about it!



    you are too cynical...

    Brent is a great actor and his character didn't deserve such an end!

    Quoted for truth :) However, at least Data died saving everyone which is still a lot more than Worf,Wesley, or that aging mess Lwaxana ever did. :)

  4. Gee, let's see.


    Dukat carried the

    asinine belief
    that he should execute his own daughter to restore his family honor simply because he couldn't keep it in his pants while in Bajoran territory (DS9:"Indiscretion"). Then, when the changeling-Bashir-creature person tried to blow up the Bajoran sun,
    Dukat didn't flinch at the fact had the plan succeeded, his own daughter would've perished (DS9:"By Inferno's Light"). Just FYI. :)

    Furthermore, Klingons rule. :dude: Yeah. That's right. I said it again. :blow: And as you can see on my Klingons vs. Cardassians thread, I'm right. They may stink, they may appear rough and uncivilized, but I can't help but notice how they inspire consistently awe, fascination, and fear. No matter the series, Klingons tend be featured in some of THE best episodes. I've heard lots about "the Klingon Feasts" but I don't hear about Vulcan, Romulan, or Cardassian gatherings.

    And let's not forget that the beloved character Worf appeared longer than any other Star Trek character.



    Hmmm. You seem to excel at speculation.Yes, Cardassians have a different code of honor when it comes to producing children in adulterous affairs.Thats not a big secret. You're not being very factual at all :P . Actually, more repetitive than anything.

    Your personal bias towards ziyal is gravely influencing your judgment here. Anyways, believe what you want. Your interpretations are far from convincing :lol:


    As far as worf being on tv for so long, A long resume does not necessarily equal a good or beloved character. In fact, most of the worf eps were pure filler with little or no character development at all.Although i did get a laugh in "By Inferno's Light" when that Jem Hadar was beating the hell out your "beloved character" :vbg::love: Wait, we did learn that he was a deadbeat dad. There's something to be proud of :blink: .

  5. Damar...killed that traitorous wretch Ziyal (I know some of you like her, but she betrayed her father and i just can't repsect that at all)
    Yeah, but he kept either trying to kill her or leaving her to die.
    Doesn't exactly inspire loyalty if you ask me. She wanted so much to love him and be a part of his life, but when push came to shove, he kept showing her just how expendable she was. Until she actually died, of couse. That's when Dukat finally realized that a universe without Ziyal just might suck.


    And Klingons rule, luv.


    When did he "keep trying to kill her or leave her to die?" Citations please? :P


    ....."klingons ruling" is a bit of a personal opinion, but If that were really the case then why couldn't they bring the Dominion down w/o the help of the Cardassians,Romulans, and Federation? Sounds to me like they leave a lot to be desired as far as "ruling" goes........ not to mention the stench they leave behind as evidenced by comments made in numerous trek eps from Starfleet,Romulan,Cardassian and Vulcan characters. :blink:

  6. Lame ep. I gave it a 1. The only thing going on in this ep is a well-weathered Lwaxana Troi making a play for Odo. All Lwaxana ends up getting is a big stain on her dress after Odo is forced to revert back to his gelatinous state while they are trapped in a turbolift. It kinds plays like a bad ep of Moonlighting.

  7. I gave it a 4. This West Bank parable is very direct, yet Nana Visitor does a superb job of converying real emotion and sensitivity in this good ep.

  8. I gave it a 1. Very bad writing here. Sisko takes the spiritual leader Kai Opaka to the Gamma Quadrant where she gets crushed to death in a shuttle crash. Smooth move Sisko. The plot here about people condemned to a planet where you never die was also very derivative of a lot of sci fi that had been done up to this point as well.

  9. Q + Vash = a 1 rating. If Q was minus this ep, then it would've gotten a four. Nice line from Q though "You hit me, Picard never hit me!" Sisko's reponse "I'm not Picard". Otherwise a dud.

  10. I like Dukat because Marc Alaimo is a native Milwaukeean like myself. In fact, we are from the same neighborhood. A great character that was portrayed with stunning effectiveness and believability. I would consider Damar to be one of my fave characters of all time because he was a guy that came full circle in the saga. He was a lowly navigator aboard the Gruemoll with Dukat, became a revolutionary alongside Dukat fighting those despicable creatures commonly referred to as Klingons, killed that traitorous wretch Ziyal (I know some of you like her, but she betrayed her father and i just can't repsect that at all), kicked his drinking habit and eventually became the symbol of martyrdom by leading the fight against the Dominion on Cardassia Prime which was a necessary step in order for the combined Klingon,Romulan, and Starfleet taskforce to win the war against an enemy that up to then was implacable. Damar was a great character that also illustrated how necessary it is to stand up for what is right. :P