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Posts posted by Goose

  1. So are you saying that the ship in ST IV: The Voyage Home, was goining at warp 10? That seems a little far out for me doesn't it? Could they really get a ship from THG going that fast? I even thought for them to be going 9.9 was too big in itself. but yeah, sounds about right.





    I thought it Star Trek IV that the Bird of Prey was only going somethingh around warp 9.85?

  2. Stardate:21487.7




    Scott Bakula will always be Sam to me.No matter how good Archer's character becomes when I think of Scott I will think of Sam.


    It was great to see Dean Stockwell make his (inevitable?) appearance on Enterprise- I hope Berman can wrangle another cameo from him.



    I agree. I would love to see Sam and Al reunite again.That episode was awsome just because Dean was in it.

  3. Why are they still wearing the same Star Fleet uniforms a decade later?


    Ummm that one I haven't a clue. :( [/glow]

    Earth is gone, most every colony is destroyed, there are 6,000 members of the human race left, and the Xindi aren't finished yet. I don't think Star Fleet has alot of room to worry about uniforms.

    Clothes don't last ten years if you wear them regularly....the uniforms would have fallen apart and the place where they were made no longer existed. So where did they keep getting new uniforms?





    Replicators? :clap:

  4. Stardate:21485.8



    Just an idea but I think a better last line for Kirk instead of "Oh my...." would of been him looking at the stars and saying "Space the final frontier........."


    I don't know I just think it would of been cool. He started Star Trek with those words, and his legacy should of ended with them.

  5. Stardate:21485.8



    These are just my theories on the answers to your questions.


    If they eliminated the parasites why didn't Archer go back in time to the incident in the hallway whey they first appeared rather than some time later in sickbay?


    I think its because when the parasites infected him he was knocked out so they just showed him waking up.


    Since Earth was destroyed who's promoting who gave Reed his own ship?


    Well I think that maybe Admiral Forrest(I got that right didnt I?) survived because T'Pol said a little over 6000 survieved.


    Why are they still wearing the same Star Fleet uniforms a decade later?


    Ummm that one I haven't a clue. :cloud9:

  6. Stardate:21482.8



    The End of Star Trek II.When the Enterprise rides off into the sunset and Sulu asked where they were heading and he said"Second Star to the Right and Straight on till Morning.


    Afterwards we here Spocks Voice "Space the final frontier..........."



  7. Stardate:21482.7



    Hey thats pretty good,its true too, i remember the badlands( used to get in arguments with people over stupid stuff then I came here and have enjoyed it ever since.


    VBG=Zephrane Cochrane................maybe we should make a statue :)

  8. Aw, come on now CJLP!!  Ever since these talented gentlemen announced their project on our message boards a couple of months back, I have seen numerous threads and topics authored by you regarding the same subject..Paramount's gonna sue ya!  Nya, nya, nya!!  You have already made your opinion on the New Voyages quite clear but you insist on endlessly repeating this issue ad nauseam.  I have downloaded and thoroughly enjoyed the first episode of New Voyages and anxiously await the release of the second episode in July.  Now please CJLP, cut us all some slack and stop beating a dead horse!!!





    Here Here to that

  9. Stardate:21477.8




    Well on my UPN around here when Voyager first aired it was on at 8 then around the third season they switched it to 9 and it thrived.... hopefully the same will apply to Enterprise.



    Also does anyobdy know when the change will take effect?

  10. Stardate:214675.7



    I have always said that Kirks "death" should of been done alot better.But oh well.And in my mind Kirk isnt dead.Even though they aint canon I like the scenario produced in Shatners books.


    "I've always known... I'll die alone." thats Kirk's fate