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Posts posted by commander_data

  1. That is a very nice opinion. Not what I had in mind, but it's diplomatic. You aren't focusing on his good points OR his bad points. You're just taking everything into consideration and formatting an opinion...or am I going too deep?

  2. The first ST movie I saw was "First Contact". It gave me my first sight of the Borg and I have to say, it frightened me the way they kept adapting to everything. I think that VOY basically killed the Borg's image. TNG portrayed them as ruthless savages (whoa, flashback from English...never mind) but VOY pretty much said that a flagship with limited weapons could beat a race that can adapt within three shots of a phaser. VOY also seemed to forget the way they adapted. All in all, my opinion of the Borg never changed. I still think they're creepy, evil, and savage.

  3. Ok, I've had a lot of mixed opinions on this in another forum website, so...DO YOU OR DO YOU NOT LIKE WESLEY?


    Personally, I like him. He was played well, he was cute and sweet (though my heart still belongs to Data), and he was intelligent. He was a nice boy, and I can't see whay anyone wouldn't like him!

  4. Personally, when Data fell over when trying merely to lean on something, that...was...PRICELESS!!! And in "The Schizoid Man"...



    Riker: Does wrestling a Klingon targ ring a bell?

    Data: *pauses* Did I win?


    "To know him, was to love him. To love him, was to know him. Those who knew him, loved him. Those who did not know him, loved him from afar."


    In "Datalore"...


    "I am excited. Fascinated. One might say, agog."


    Data: There are other things. Sneezing, for example.

    Picard: Sneezing?

  5. You would be surprised how many people preferred Kate Pulaski to Beverly Crusher.  Personally I liked Pulaski.  She got off to a bumpy start but by the end of the season had established herself as a good character.  I missed her.

    That's where I disagree. Not only is Beverly prettier, she doesn't look like my gym teacher. Pulaski on the other hand...*shudders*