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Posts posted by Medusa

  1. I'm not sure whether you can predict everything - there is so much that can go wrong. I don't think that they can imagine every possibility, every combinations of circumstances. I guess there are just things that are - unpredictable. Today we can say after the Columbia, that they should have done this and that better. But back then nobody even imagined that such a small defect can be the reason for the horrible end of the mission.

  2. I have to admit, I didn't see the last two seasons of DS9... So, what is Section 31? Some kind of secret organization, I got that this far. But what did they do? And who was involved in it? *feelingverystupidrightnow* :) :)

  3. Naomi Wildman. She was really cute without becoming obnoxious. I also think, that the authors handled her pretty well - she wasn't too important, but here and there we saw her.

  4. The test says social libertarian. Well, I'm in the SPD (socialdemocratic Party of Germany) - so I guess it's a pretty good test. Except for some very obvious questions.


    (The SPD is the party that will lose the elections in September. :blink: )

  5. King I know what you mean. One of the reasons I like Trek is because of what it shows humans will be after we get over our little petyness(not sure how to spell that). I just hope we live to see it through.



    I don't want to insult anyone, but our problem is actually that we are all very depressed and sad and soooo devastated - now.


    But in a few days, there are other headlines... We will forget and go on with our - mostly - selfish lives. I don't want to say that anyone of you are selfish, because I don't know you and so I cannot say that. I mean this in general. Everyone is sad now, but nobody tries to change it, tries to change the world.


    I just hope we live to see it through.
    sounds just very passive. Of course we hope, but shouldn't we actually do something?

    We are all talking now, how horrible this is. How horrible the world is in general. But that's not the way, is it? Accepting how things are and just hoping that it will be better in the future?


    If I read the statements of the politicians or if I hear my study buddies complaining how terrible this is, I would love to shout at them, that this is the world we are living in. And that we are accepting it, day after day. And if we don't try to change it, we will never be able

    to see it through


    I know that I'm new on this board and shouldn't criticize anyone this way. You can eliminate me now, if you want to.

  6. I kind of would have preferred Paris, because it's just 3 hours from Aachen... I could have taken a train at Aachen Central to Paris Nord - I would have been there. Now I have to take a train to Brussels and from Brussels to London, that's 4 and half hours! But I'm happy for England and I love London!



  7. Spock! No question. I liked the character of Tuvok in VOY too, but he was never as interesting as Spock was. I also liked Saavik, but we didn't really see a lot of her, so I cannot compare her to the others.

  8. I'm not sure whether it would be fair to pick out one series as the best or worst. I grew up with Star Trek Voyager, I watched it from the beginning - I was eleven back then - and it belongs to my childhood and early teenager years. I cannot really say whether it is a weak show or not - I just loved it. And I still do. So I don't think that I can decide whether it was week or not.


    I've also seen TNG, TOS and DS9, but they never gave me the feeling of being emotionally involved in the series as Voyager did.