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Posts posted by savien

  1. LOL, my last birthday I took a 5 day trip with 3 of my friends to Las Vegas (my 21st Birthday). Supposed to be a great time and the ONLY reason i wanted to go was to visit the Star Trek Experience. Well, unfotunaly I got food poisoning (dont eat the buffet at the Flamingo), then i got dehydrated, sooo... Then i passed out... fell... busted my lip... spent a night in the hospital getting IV's and stiches from the cut (from the fall). After ALL of that... i still didnt get to go to the Star Trek Experience. But rest assured.. I will go one day.

  2. Oops... Been posting for a few days and didnt even see this area. Heh. Too busy looking at the other forums i reckon. Anywho, I have been a Star Trek fan for about 15 years now... and I have never really done this forum/msg board thing but so far im loving it. Its rare for me to get to discuss Star Trek with people who are as passionate as I am. Truely an awsome experience!



    Thanks and Heyas!

  3. Syndication....



    Thats the answer. I dont think a Star Trek Productions or Network would fly that well either. However, I do feel that if UPN has their way... Enterprise may be run into the ground. God I Hope it makes it 7 seasons. Then I hope that a new series will emerge. The stories and adventures are limitless. Where ever Star Trek goes... Ill follow...

  4. Im gonna go with a 9/10. Definitly a great episode.



    Click for Spoiler:

    Honestly I think that this episode will be a conerstone for a few reasons. 1) I think that this will secure Phlox a permenant seat on the series (amist some discussion of possible crew members leaving as in past series). 2) I think that Archer rubbed off on to Phlox and Phlox understood his point of view and accepted it as being right. Hence showing the beginning of the profound impact that Humans will have on the universe.


  5. I think its great how they are doing it. Simply put we need these refrences because they are basiclly unavoidable I think. It gives us a unique insight as to how relations where back then and how we did on 'first contact.' I kinda get a thrill out of seeing the refrences to the past series and love it when I watch it with a non Trekkie and they go.. "Hun?" I dunno i think those refrences help keep the Star Trek Spirit alive in this series because I think that the StarTrek spirit needs to be developed just as everything else in the series does.

  6. I like both.. but i think that DS9 is one im a little more partial too. the DS9 one.. is it not also the same one used in VOY and the TNG Movies? Also is there a reason for the difference? I know they changed the uniforms in DS9 but VOY also used DS9 Uniforms? bah im getting confused now :laugh:

  7. I voted NO. However I would hope yes. I think they hinted to the fact that this was the 'end of a generation' the final chapter kinda thing. I really think we got some great potential with DS9 though. The best part is that since TNG/DS9/VOY 's timelines cross we could see a little of everything or at least 2 series. That could be interesting.

  8. Just like most StarTrek series it started off kinda slow. I love watching season 1 of TNG again it is really a totally different show then the latter seasons. I dont think you see as big a difference in DS9/VOY, however I think we will with ENT. I think we will because the writers want that to happen. Starfleet has TOO MUCH to learn for them not to change drasticly. I cant wait untill season 7 or so and then look back at these first 2 seasons. I will say this however, They are making this crew blend and join together better then any other crew IMO. We have got the Bashir/O'brian with Tucker/Reed... I think that Archer/T'Pol is like a cross between Kirk/Spock and Picard/Riker. Now all we need is a Paris/Torres matchup and we will be set :laugh:

  9. Ive got TNG seasons 4 and 5 on DVD. Got em for Christmas, im poor and it will prob be my B-day before i get another. Heh.. but I am proud to say that I have all of Season 1 and most all of Season 2 of Enterprise on DVD.... Yep Made em myself and they are pretty cool. So at least I wont have to wait 15 years for them to come out on DVD hehe.

  10. Yeah im noticeing that a lot of former cast members are Directing some shows. LaForge (Burton) directed one of the last 2 i believe. This episode was great! I knew it was gonna be interesting. I loved how Trip got firm with the Geoligist (sp) and was like, "Pack up, or I'll drag your *buttocks* up there myself!" I dont know why either.. but when they lifted up Travis from the long cliff and he was holding those rock samples, it CRACKED ME UP when he dropped one.. haha. I also think that the new races shown (forgot the name but the one that was enemy's with the Denobulan's) might play an important role in the future.

  11. Im not sure why you mean by 'scarrier' but I think just the opposite. More drama would be nice i think but not too much more. If anything i think they are on the right track. ENT should show a whole lot of ignorance, arrogance, and innocence. As the seasons move on we should start to see those 3 traits begin to dwindle as the crew and StarFleet gains more experience and confidence. But like any good series, I think that ENT should gain too much confidence and be 'put in place.' We have seen this already when Archer decided to take ENT back to Earth (Jupiter Station) to complete some Upgrades and Repairs.

  12. I agree, I honestly dont think that when TOS was made that Star Trek was expected to fly off the handle like it has. Its really hard to keep up with 5 different series as it is... At least with TNG, DS9, and VOY they are all during the same basic timeline. Im still wondering if they will talk about what happend to the Klingons foreheads and noted in that DS9 Episode where the crew goes back to the day of TOS. I bet they dont refer to it because i remember reading somewhere that Paramount just simply said that they looked different because of the technology of makeup from back in the day :laugh: oh well maybe they will mention it :laugh:

  13. Kithomer is awsome. I have been downloading the .mpg 's already and making them into DVD's I can put 4 episodes on 1 DVD and ive made some sweet menu systems!!! So far i have all of season 1 on DVD and over 1/2 of season 2.



    Real nice to watch any episode when you want to :D

  14. I really dont think that a counselor would be needed yet. When you mentioned this i thought of a scene from a recent episode (which i cant remember off top of my head, Horizon i think). Where Mayweather makes a comment about having familys on StarShips and Reed (not suprisingly) thinks unfondly of the idea and mentions that if his family was aboard then the ship would need a Psychologist. I kinda agree with Reed on that subject. I think that another character might be too much.. but instead allow the other characters devolpe more and expand on their own abilities.

  15. hehe, i have to admit i did not like him at first.. however Archer said it best when he told T'Pol and Tucker that he didnt recruit his Tactical officer to sit on his butt :D in "The Andorian Incident" Since then he has grown on me :D



    Reed, "So, did you get a look at their weapons systems?"

  16. Got to be "The Andorian Incident'. This episode is great because it really sets apart the Humans and Vulcans. I dont think that Archer did what he did to spite the Vulcans. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. The Andorians see this and I believe that this single act will have a more profound impact on the Human race (more so then it already has).




  17. Tucker is amazing. He is by far my new favorite character of all the Star Trek series. Being from the south I think I can relate to his 'southern charm.' Plus he seems to ALWAYS be there for some comic relief in every episode. Im curious as to everyone elses views on Trip. I think he makes the show. All during first season he was really why i watched Enterprise. I never seen such a disorganized and incompatible crew (or so i thought). Im very impressed how well they have intergrated this crew with the character development and relationships. I cant wait for Season 3!!


