Falcon Redwing

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Posts posted by Falcon Redwing

  1. In the show, I am confused about the Starfleet ranks (on the show, so don't tell me about the site ranks VBG) in several areas.


    First of all, what's the deal with enlisted crewman? They are rarely mentioned, and I don't remember if they have pips, but if I remember correctly, they comprise of over half the crew. How come they are different from officers? This one stumps me.


    Second, I know mostly about the higher ranks (the ones in the gold square) One pip is Commodore (though we only see a commodore once, and that one is in TOS so we don't see the actual pin (thanks for startrekfans.net!). Two pips is rear admiral (on the show they say vice admiral but I don't think there is a difference. Three pips is Admiral. So what is four pips? Is it a higher admiral? I really don't know.


    And I'm pretty sure there is no five pip rank in the higher ranks on the show (You must think really much of yourself to give yourself that rank VBG)

  2. Thanks everybody, I have finally reached my goal: To catch up to my sister (Maquis_Princess). In fact, I made Lieutenant only a few hours after she told me she made Lieutenant. And now I'm ahead of her!


    Now she says I have noooo life. Shes just jealous........


    Thanks again!

  3. I voted that I don't care.


    There are sooo many possibilities in terms of movies. We already got a snippet of Captain-Captain (er, they were captains on TV.............) between Kirk and Picard in Generations (as far as I remember, I haven't really seen it in a long time... I really need to see it again) and between Picard and Janeway in Nemesis (that was just weird), but it wasn't really much. A mixed cast movie is the best desicion right now. I think the fine line that only one cast can be in a movie needs to be blurred. Another thing would be to have a new cast introduced in a movie, then appear in a new series the following Fall. It would tell you after the movie and then you would be all exited for a couple of months. I have wayy to much energy.........


    Also in that previous paragraph, I think I broke my record for the most bracketed comments to interrupt a sentence.

  4. It might ALREADY be in existence, :D today!

    That is a very interesting thought.


    Section 31 is totally cool.


    However, I don't think Section 31 will be involved in Enterprise. If it DOES appear, it won't be until very late in the series. Remember, Section 31 was a division of the Federation, not Starfleet itself. In the time period of Enterprise, the Federation doesn't even exist! Starfleet in that time is mostly exploratory. It doesn't need a super-secret Intelligence group (Section 31 is a branch of Federation Intelligence) because it is only associated with one alien species, the Vulcans.


    However.... we have seen that the Vulcans have their oen little federation. For example, they have a Medical Species Exchange program with involves the Dunubulans. I'm sure they have their own super duper secret spy type agency. In fact, they already had a Section 31-type episode. Remember that one where T'Pol gets a letter that contains instructions to HUNT DOWN A RENEGADE VULCAN WHO DOESEN'T LOOK LIKE A VULCAN BUT REALLY IS A VULCAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh yes, I AM good.

  5. Learning Klingon looks really cool. I never knew it was such a big deal, though. This is only proof of how Star Trek has affected the world.

    A Klingon language tutorial type forum would be just what this site needs. :D

  6. I started watching Voyager a couple of years ago and got hooked. I quickly started watching the other Treks (except TOS, which I watch only occasionally). For the first year I watched them my sister gave me that weird look. After that she started watching and became a bigger trekkie then I am! (she is mostly into Voyager though. You may know her here as MaQuIs_PrInCeSs. She found this site and told me about it. I usually just watched the show and went to the official site, but I'm glad she encouraged me to sign up because this site is really cool.


    In case Alterego or another admin is reading this, theres something kinda weird with my sister's (MaQuIs_PrInCeSs) account. Sometimes when she tries to log in it won't let her. I would appreciate if you would look into that.

  7. One of my many questions about Voyager has cropped up in my head. You remember those tri-cobalt devices that Tuvok used to blow up the Caretaker's Array? Where did they come from? They were just there! Seven revealed later that they weren't standard Starfleet technology. This one is reallllly perplexing. :D

  8. I think that the Star Trek universe needs constant change. That is why TNG, DS9, and Voyager lasted seven seasons. Its a sort of policy. Of course, I'm just going off my own thoughts here. I think they always knew that Voyager would get back in seven years. I mean they already had the 7-season policy with TNG (and later with DS9) and they had the realtime thing down (when a season passes, a year goes by in the show) All the shortcuts were just to squeeze it together

  9. Did this confuse you?  :wow:


    Wow. Just.... wow.


    I agree with you guys. I think the collective did survive. I mean wherever there is Star Trek, theres the Borg.


    Another new ananswered question has been in my head: What did Starfleet decide to do with that sweet armor and those awesome torpedoes (it only took one to blow up a cube. YAY!) that Admiral Janeway brought back from the future? The mysteries go on........

  10. I think it is just because Janeway wanted to limit the number of field promotions. Maybe she just doesn't feel like it.


    One things for sure, if they were back in the Alpha Quadrant (and I'm guessing WHEN they got back) that Harry would be promoted. Remember Nog? He got promoted to Lieutenant in almost half the time that Voyager was in the Delta Quadrant. What up with that?

  11. One mystery that has been yelling in the back of my head since Voyager ended is what happened to the Borg after Voyager blew up the Transwarp network and Unimatrix One. Was the entire collective destroyed? Is it in utter chaos? Is it crippled beyond recovery? I really want to know what you think.


    Apparently, Resistance isn't futile after all.

  12. OHHHHHHH..... dual launchers? Does that count? Sorry, I was just reacting on information I've collected from just watching the show. For the Enterprise-D, I got the info from the downloadable demo of Bridge Commander for the PC. When I looked at the status screen on the tactical display for the only Federation Starship you can be (Galaxy-class), I saw four dots at the front and two at the back. These dots represented torpedo tubes because they went green when they were loaded and red right when they were fired. Dual launchers are represented by two dots, I guess. I found that this demo was annoying though, because the Galaxy class only fires with the main phaser arcs on the saucer section, not any of the other ones on the pylons or the dorsal section. :)

  13. I think that she had to do what she had to do. remember the other captain who got lost in the delta Quadrant also? he did not care at all about he prime directive. all he cared about was getting his crew home even if it ment killing an inoccent race of beings!!! has Janeway put her crew before any other race hmm........example .....the okompa, instead of letting a race die she sacrificed her crew from going home!!!


    Capt_d, you must remember that Captain Ransom (the captain you are referring to) didn't have nearly as much mobility and resources as Captain Janeway. His ship, the Equinox, was much smaller, couldn't go that fast, it was in shambles, and most of its crew was dead. The temptation to let the Prime Directive slip away must have been extreme. He totally switched into "survival at any cost" mode, and he started killing those creatures for fuel for his doped up warp drive


    On that note, I feel that Captain Janeway didn't give fair treatment to the remaining Equinox officers ("The Equinox Five"). As Ransom said they were only following orders. I refer to the incident in Star Trek IV when Kirk accepted full blame for the actions of the TOS crew working under his orders. :)

  14. I just saw "The Cloud" today and found out that Voyager started off with only 38 photon torpedoes. I think they made this number far too small. Voyager also has too many torpedo launchers (4) relative to the size of the ship. I don't know if this number is right, but the Enterprise-D carried over 200 torpedoes! And the Enterprise only has six launchers. I find this unbalanced, but what do you think?


    Also, I would appreciate if you could tell me a site where I can look at the statistics of all Federation starships. :)

  15. uhh.... wow thats a good question.

    This is only a thought, but maybe the computer keeps a tab on the captains life signs, so it knows when the captain dies. If so, the computer may announce to the first officer: "Commander Whatever, please proceed to the captains ready room." or something like that. On her monitor would be a note from an Admiral or something telling the whole deal with the Omega particle. Maybe..... :)

  16. So thats when the Raven was launched. The Borg were probably a little more than a rumor at the time though, because otherwise the Hansen's wouldn't have had a model of a Cube. However, the Hansen's themselves didn't know much at all about the Borg.


    I believe that in the Borg episode in May, the crew will not get brainwashed, but they will probably not be taken that seriously. I mean Cubes are enormous! I doubt they've seen a ship that big before. Thats still just a very unrealistic theory though.


    However it goes, I hope its just a good episode! :wow:

  17. I voted for a Trill. It would be one rung down from having a skitzophrenic for a roommate. Remember Ezri when she got the Dax trill? She was sooooooo whacked out! You wanna have to deal with that? I'm not sure what the best one would be.