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Posts posted by Spockstellaiter

  1. As already mentioned by TUH, the Bible speaks of a spiritual realm, inhabited by both angels and demons.  They are both present, perhaps even in our midst, yet invisible to our eye.  At times, they are visible, though I don't know why.  Not to worry, tho, that the Supreme Being, God, is keenly aware of the goings on of His angels, as well as the demonic forces of Satan.  God has ultimate authority over all these beings, and Satan, too.  I say this so that you need not worry about "ghosts".  God is in control.  :blush:


    Good point jaz, I also believe that if anyone sees a "real" ghost that is not of their imaginiation or someithing then it must be a demon

  2. :blush:  :)  :hug:  :) Neither if i can help it!!! Borg, i think, although i know klingonese i can only write it... klingons can't hurt you unless you offend them right?


    tell/show or hide the "something"


    What hte heck? show the something whatever that means...


    Would you rather wrestle a wrestler or box a boxer?

  3. Dude! That's really awesome! Me and my friends are making a lord of the rings parody, the connection between star trek and your film is very similar to that of our parody and the lotr movie. We're still filming also. I love the vulcan willi song on your site, lol. Good luck!

  4. Do you have some kind of medical problem or something?




    I have no idea why, but that comment had me literally laughing out loud for at least 10 minutes..................during which time I farted.


    could you imagine goin to the doctor for that? "doctor, I fart too much!"

  5. I have a suggestion.  You know the links in the heading of every page on the site (Member Map - Forums - Search - Members - Calendar - Live Chat - Gallery)?  Why not add a link called "Trivia," which links to the Trivia threads?


    Oh brilliant! It's always sorta a pain to get to the trivia section

  6. lol, I love blonde jokes!  Partly 'cause I'm a natural blonde, I dyed my hair brown though, makes me look smarter.



    Oh, artificial intelligence!


    j/k! :look:


    I'm blonde too, and I dye my hair black all the time.


    OH, that was brilliant! :angry: