
The Founders
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Posts posted by Sarah

  1. I dont know if this topic has been done befor but I was just thinking that a Voyager movie would be great!!!! Think about It !! I have always wanted to know what happens to the crew after and about Janeways promotion and seven what happens to her!!!! any one else thank there should be a movie???

    Later days all :wow::wow::wow::wow:

  2. ok can any one answer this for me.......

    I have been watching Enterprise and something has cought my eye.

    the klingons. their facial ridges!! I dont know why but it bugs me.

    If you watch tos they dont have the ridges then in ds9 Worf says something about the change and how it is imbarassing to talk about.

    ok so here is my come enterprise klingons look like tng + klingons if enterprise is befor kirk on the time line?

    can any one help me understand? :wow:

  3. I agree with you on that. I went to the creations convention a few months back and Malgrew had a few things to say about the janeway relationships. first off she said that the janeway and first officer romance was in the script but she fought to change that. she said no 14-25 year old male fan wants to see their "mother" having RELATIONS on a ship. oh and besides janeway always has the hollodeck haha!!!!! ttfn all. :)

  4. HEllo everyone I am new to this site. it was recomended by someone in the startrek site. I am new at trying to figure this site out. I have been a startrek fan for 14 years I started by watching tng with my father. now my favorite series is voyager. I love that there was a female capt. I also do a lot of collecting of startrek items and am currantly looking for a janeway doll from plamates I have one in my collection but I am on the hunt. I like haveing 2 of everything I collect just in case of an accident etc. ok so I am rambling on and one so I will shush for now. if any one wants to talk or help me with this site please do so!!! ttfn :wow: B)