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Posts posted by chimei01

  1. Have a question for anyone that can help...I see all of these great websites that have the fonts and screens used in the previous series (TNG, DS9 and VOY). Where are they from? How can I download them?


    I'm making some PADDs and want to create some original screens. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for the help...





  2. A lot of folks seem to have moved from griping about VOY and turned on ENT. And with season three, they've added the words Star Trek to the title.


    So my question is, does Enterprise deserve to be added to the list of other series titled Star Trek: ______?


    In my humble opinion, it should have had it all along. I was hooked from Broken Bow. I think it's a fine addition to the franchise and look forward to another five years with the crew of NX-01.


    Let me know what you think...Chimei



  3. As for the "old cat suit" - I thought it was totally appropriate. When one is moving through tight spaces on a ship or entering areas where gravity may be absent, loose fitting garments are a no-no.


    and the "busty" look was due tot he empire cut of the waist line. That was a typical waist line for the Romans and was popular again in the early 1800's.


    I do prefer the hip-level belt. it adds to the princess line piping following her entire body (vertically). it's just a very classic cut...a great job.


    the red (salmon/pink) suit looks like a stretch velvet or velveteen. but i'm just wondering what fabric was used for the blue/silver costume. any ideas?



  4. I too liked the variety in the species. It was a nice touch and a way to make the show visually interesting. My favorite was the one in the tank. Nice touch...and I can't wait to see the crew under water visiting this group!


    My only complaint was that the really "gung-ho" Xindi was too much like a fly. I wish they had made it less "Earthly"...but a miner complaint. I digress.


    And did the one Xindi with all the hair on his face remind you of the Beast in the original silent film version of "Beauty and the Beast"?



  5. Well, I think that the designers could have been a little more creative in the designs for the MACO's. They had that speckled look...which works for space I guess (not too much greenery in space).


    But to have a black or silver-like fabric that shifted color so as to match the surroundings would have been a nice touch (think chameleon scales).


    Hopefully, we'll get to see them change uniforms. after all, the US isn't wearing green camouflage in the middle east and we don't wear beige in the Arctic.



  6. i was always a fan of the theme song...and i have to throw my vote with the "what were they thinking" folks. the new "top 40" version seems awkward...contrived. the slower version felt more comforting...more like...i don't know...a patriotic hym or something that they would play to inspire people.


    i, too, used to sing along...but i think i'll get the popcorn now...but hey, it might grow on me. :clap:

  7. As the summer went on, I anxiously awaited any info on her new look. Finally, I got what I was waiting for. And I have to say that it was well worth the wait.


    I loved the wig she was using at the end of last season. It really fit her character. However, this new style is perfect (a bit like Valeris' cut from ST VI: UC). It's flattering, yet in spirit with "Vulcan fashion" as we've seen it thus far.


    And the clothing is stunning. The fabrics and design (with piping and gill-like sides) is perfect for her. I loved them...though my favorite to date has been the white/silver away suit first seen in "Marauders".


    Other thoughts? I hope I'm not alone in this. :clap: