
The Founders
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Posts posted by kahn

  1. I haven't read the second one yet (waiting for it to come out in paperback) I was very surprised at how good it was. I sat in the swinging bench in front of the lake near my cabin and read it in a day. I really couldn't put it down. The current events tie in was what I loved most about it. I can't wait to see how Cox portrays the war. I think that WWIII and the Eugenics wars (are they the same thing or different?) are the most underdeveloped thing in Trek.

  2. I liked the first Shatner trilogy "Ashes to Eden" through "Avenger."  Mainly because Kirk is my fav character and seeing him ressurected from the dead was a kick.  I also like the entire "New Earth" series because it dealt in that time between motion pic and Wrath of Khan.  Anything that has to do with a crossover usually appeals to me too (ie: Crossover, Brave and the Bold, Federation) nothing like a good mix of crews to make the Star Trek universe more tangible.

    I too love the series that Shatner is doing. But isn't it more than a trilogy, starting with The Return?

  3. I was actually thinking about getting that bow-flex thing, though I don't lift weights really. I should probably look at that though. What I really want is one of those eight foot long pools with a current so you just swim in place. You don't even need to turn around. That would be a great place just to think and get in shape at the same time. I wouldn't even begin to have enough money for that though.

  4. Do any of you guys here regularly swim? I don't mean just knowing how to swim, rather have you swam for a team or keep up at it now? I swam for four years in highschool and know that I'm in college I'm beginning to miss it (especially since I've gained like ten pounds since stopping). Does anybody have a good workout that I could have?

  5. I can't imagine the Borg being good guys in any universe.  How would someone become a Borg - voluntary assimilation?

    Maybe they arn't anything like we know the borg to be. They may be a peaceful race that has tons of technology and briefly experimented with cyborgs before recovering form near disaster.

  6. As the war has progressed it seems like there are new discoveries being made almost daily. Today, a large stock of viles containing white powder was found, however that seems to be only conventional explosives. However at that same place anti-nerve toxin was discovered as well as several protective suits and instructions for chemical warfare. Also, testing of the Euphrates revealed high levels of mustard gas and cynide.

  7. Can I just ask why you left? I mean, I know you left because of the spamming, but that is confined mostly to tenforward right now. IMHO, by all the good people leaving, we have left the spammers to roam the message board that most new fans first go to. If we all posted there as well and didn't respond to the spam, that site wouldn't be too bad.

  8. Apparently, for just a maintenance worker she held her own very well. The washington post is reporting that she shot and killed all how came at her until she ran out of ammo. She is as old as I am, and yet she has seen more pain and death than I ever will.

  9. Indeed, this looks to be a very good site. If we can let bygones be bygones things will work fine.


    EDIT: For those who are wondering who the heck I am. I am a poster from the otherboards who liked many of Picards posts there. I post here because this looks to be a good site. I have no intention whatsoever of continuing a battle which should be finished on another board unless Picard insists on it.

  10. Greetings all. I too have migrated from from startrek.com though I still post there occasionally. Nice to meet you Picard. I just have a question, is it possible that you just misunderstood what was going on on your other board? Since you were a mod there, it sounds like you had power. Remember that it is just a message board and you can't take things too seriously. From an objective view, I can see how your comments on Jews could be seen as racist, though I'm sure that wasn't your intention. Maybe if you went back and just said I'm sorry everything would be ok.