
Ships Crew
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About Datalover_06

  • Rank
    Lt. Commander
  • Birthday 01/02/1988

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    my head, which is a very roomy place and anyone is welcome to join in the party that keeps going on.
  • Interests
    Data, reading, Data, swimming, Data, church, talking with my friends, umm normal stuff for a teen like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and not so normal things, like art, classical music, opera, and I love Barry Manilow. I am also totally obsessed with Bono. I have a scrap book of pictures of him, his biography, almost all of U2's CD's and other things Bono related. I even did my sophmore research paper on his fight for Africa and got an A! His name is spelled out in glow-in-the-dark stars on my wall. I love Bono!

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