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Posts posted by muddthe1st

  1. "Starfleet Academy" would work better as an animated show I think.


    I think it would be a better idea if they did an animated show based on the various "Starfleet Academy" series of childrens books, however they could edge them up a bit for adult viewers done in a more comic book style like mention above with the Ainematrix.

  2. I voted that I liked him best on DS9 because of the character development and also because he was more like scotty than on TNG. Colm is such a great actor. If any one hasn't seen them I would sugest renting the trio of films "The Commitments", "The Snapper" and "The Van''. They were all based on books by Roddy Doyle and Colm is great/funny in them. Happy Saint Pattys Day!

  3. Well 100 years is a long time. Just look at the sexual revolution of our society in the past 40 years.

    Yeah, we have more casual and irresponsible views of sex and personal behavior than ever before. We must learn to govern our passions or it will be our undoing.

  4. The U.S.S. GRUOCHY


    Click for Spoiler:


    1st officer..........Spock






  5. With Star Trek, you never know. It might happen.


    But since Q is not supposed to be intorduced to the Federation untill TNG, I doubt he might show up.


    Unless they make it work with the timeline like they did with the Borg, Q might show up and at the end erase their memories of the event, then in TNG he shows up to check on how humanity has changed in 200 years.

    I don't think he meant Q himself but that style of fun character like...Mudd or Trelane. "Enterprise" wouldn't resort to that type of sillyness or fun. Sometimes it dosn't seem like a Trek show at all.

  6. Hey man what have you been smoking...and can I have some? :) Nix on the recast unless you were making a TV bio movie on the making of TOS. so you could have the actor being both Shatner and Kirk for example.

  7. Well, I like to see a good ballance between realism and pure fiction.  I think Star Trek and Stargate handle this quite nicely.  I dunno, my personal taste is the show has to be believable for me to enjoy it. :)

    When I watched "Trek" in the 60's it seemed as far away from reality as you could get. I doubt a show like that would even make it on the air today.

  8. When I was growing up In the 60's I enjoyed shows like "Land of the Giants", "Lost In Space", "Twilight Zone", "Time Tunnel" and of course "Star Trek". Shows that were more about entertainment than being 100% accurate. Today it seemes that every Sci-Fi or other type of show on TV has to be as 100% accurate as possible in science, medical examination, law, crime, ETC. or it isn't considered "Believable" or "Possible". Were we less sophisticated in the "Olden Days"? No I think not! I say bring back the large pulsating brained aliens. let Archer and T'pol hunt for large white rabbits or deal with Q for a change. I want less "reality" and more fun in my fiction.

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