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Posts posted by Stelfan

  1. my friend Gorge once told me that in the future they eat food that is specially made that the body absorbs all of it ( in other words there was no need for the bathroom)

    I wish I could have thought about the alien cultures food then


    But what if someone got sick, and maybe their stomachs didn't work at a 100 % efficiency.. They surely need toilets..

    And I've never seen one on Enterprise NX-01 either, and surely all that crap that Trip eats, some of it must come out the natural way :rolleyes:

  2. UPN is not good for Enterprise. Another problem affecting ratings that TNG and even Voyager did not have to contend with is this ridicolous influx of reality television. Enterprise was airing at the same time as American Idol and think about the ratings it gets. I'm not saying everyone that watched American Idol would have been watching ENT instead, but I guarantee you that ENT would probably go up a whole point if that crap wasn't on at the same time.

    *yuck* I hate reality television!! :rolleyes:

  3. I don't want to make anyone mad here, but Data is gone, and probably also all of the TNG crewmembers. I think we just have to face it, and I think the movies need some "fresh meat".


    I we fans would get our way the movies would always be about Data and Picard and the others, and lets just face it, they have to pull it off financially too.. So I say bring us a mixed cast and let us get to know some new great characters!

  4. I don't really like him.. He just has to know it all, and still he is just a little boy.. kind of annoys me even though it got a lot better as the seasons went by..


    I hated him the first two seasons, but it got better.

  5. I often get a good 7-8 hours sleep per night, but it is impossible for me to read a book, doesn't matter what time it is, or if I already slept 10 hours, I fall asleep anyway.. Maybe I should try standing up and reading, that might work.. :bow:

  6. Since Q is an omnipotent being who can traverse space, time, and dimensions... then sure, I can see him showing up on ENT.  However, if they decide to have him guest star, I'd like him to actually do something pivital and not be there just to be there, know what I mean? :)

    It seems logical that he would just be there to study us humans when we are at war with the Xindi, and that might give him the opinion that he has against humans in TNG (Encounter at Fairpoint)..

  7. Ok what if. What if he had not been unconscious for all those years, what would he have been thinking? Would he have gone insane? I would have!

    An insane Data. Now there is a good story.

    OK, so how'd I know that someone would bring that possible storyline up? :) :) I guess it was inevitable...


    I agree with Takara, the person said that his head was undisturbed for centuries, so it was highly unlikely that anyone would find him.. OK, point to ponder, given humanity's love of the unknown and love for the thrill of the hunt...why hadn't they excavated that area long ago. I know that probably by the time of the 24th century the Earth would have been thouroughly examined by then, but still, they found that cavern now didn't they?? And undisturbed for 5 centuries, half a millenia...Seems strange to me, maybe that is the scientist in me speaking here B)

    I have to agree that is seems a little strange that the area had not been explored for that long of a period of time. I would have loved to have seen the look on the scientists' faces when they found Data's head in the area though. B)

    Hehe, yeah, that would have been great.. "What the HELL is that???" :)