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Posts posted by SpocksBrain

  1. hahahaha Whenever Kirk would say something like: "Spock, McCoy, your with me. Oh yes and you too, Ensign Jones..." I'd instantly think: "Sorry Ensign, this is not going to be your day." :unsure:

  2. That was sad. I did not watch it last not so I have not seen it in forever, but I remember what you were talking about, Mrs. Picard. He has that flute for the rest of the episodes, does he not?


    Yes, he plays it again in the later episode "Lessons" ( :) I hate that episode :) ). And we see him playing it in the beginning of the episode "A Fistful Of Datas", if I remember correctly. :)



    Mrs. Captain Picard

    Isn't "Lessons" the one where he and that girl go into the jefferies tubes to play their instruments B) That one was dumb, he should just go and marry Crusher.


    Yes, that's the episode. I agree that the episode is totally dumb... But I don't agree on that Crusher suggestion, of course... B) :) :unsure: :nono:

    Tee-hee! :)

  3. Curious, I fail to see the logic in the human need to smile, whilst coughing violently in an uncontrolled manner, whenever a "humerous" event has taken place.

  4. That was sad. I did not watch it last not so I have not seen it in forever, but I remember what you were talking about, Mrs. Picard. He has that flute for the rest of the episodes, does he not?


    Yes, he plays it again in the later episode "Lessons" ( :unsure: I hate that episode :) ). And we see him playing it in the beginning of the episode "A Fistful Of Datas", if I remember correctly. :nono:



    Mrs. Captain Picard

    Isn't "Lessons" the one where he and that girl go into the jefferies tubes to play their instruments :) That one was dumb, he should just go and marry Crusher.

  5. "There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what

    the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be

    replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.


    There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

  6. No I don't do either. We don't use credit cards (or banks) & we despise giving them our email address(s) (because of junk mail) so we couldn't buy on ebay even if we wanted to.


    How easy is selling on ebay?

    I'm not sure if you can sell without giving at least some personal information, I have people pay me directly into my chacking account, so I am not sure if that's what you'd want to do. Check out ebay.com, they have some helpful resourses for new sellers.

  7. But it would violate the second law since the law states that, in time, ALL energy will be "used up" but evolutions states that we will keep evolving forever. Also, most scientists have wither minipulated the evidence to support evolution or have left out many supports for creation. I don't mean to turn this in to a thological debate but hey, starfleet made this an off topic forum :dude:

    I'm sorry but this isn't the Off-Topic Forum and an Evolution-Creation debate should definitiely NOT be in this thread, perhaps even belongs in Risa.



    Additionally, the second "law" is often regarded by some as a "tendency" of the universe because it started out orderly. If it started out in maximum disorder, then even the slightest chance movement would create some order violating this "law".

    You are rewriting the laws of thermodynamics? Lol, I would like to read your book.

  8. Anyway, the main problem with the theory of evolution is that it violates the second law of thermodynamics.

    Evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics. The second law says that the entropy of the universe increases (things become more disorderly). Yes, as organisms, we are quite organized, and over time, evolution continues to create more organization. But that does not mean that entropy in the universe OVERALL is not increasing. It is increasing. By your logic there are many things that violate the second law. One example would be the construction of a computer. Many chemicals and materials and involved in the process. The final result is a complex machine (we are complex machines) that has been formed from various matierials such as metals (we are formed from various materials such as protiens). Since it is obvious that computers exist we can say that evolution does not violate the second law of thermodynamics.

    An intelligence had to create those computers, just as an intelligence needed to create the universe, just because humans have learned how to build neat stuff doesn't mean we can keep up with the collapse of the universe. Show me a computer, which is far, far less complex than a living organism, that made itself by accident.

  9. (LordOfTheBorg)

    Many thanks! You are logical I see!

    For enjoyed my supreme soliloquy :P

    I will continue for this is convivial,

    I do not think that rimes are trivial.


    (that last line was weak, sorry :P )