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STARTREKFANS.NET is moderated message board for fans to discuss all aspect of the Trek universe. We take great pride in providing a safe, friendly, non-spamming community for people of all ages to express their opinions on Trek and non-Trek related topics.



Who started STARTREKFANS.NET and when?


STARTREKFANS.NET was created by VaBeachGuy (or VBG for short). Originally, VBG created a message board for the country band Alabama and included a forum for Star Trek. As boards tend to continue to evolve based on its members the Alabama board soon became STARTREKFANS.NET. On March 5, 2003 STARTREKFANS.NET moved to new boards and the rest as they say is history.



What is a moderated message board?


A moderated message board means there are people called moderators who, in this case, have been assigned to different forums to watch what is happening in that forum. This is a friendly, family-oriented message board and we want to keep it that way. Moderators have the power to edit/delete posts that are deemed offensive in tone or language. We will not tolerate abusive behavior and name calling on this message board. We do encourage the healthy debate and sharing of thoughts and ideas on this board. Our moderators are members like you who love Trek.



Who are the moderators and how can I become one?


VaBeachGuy is the administrator of STARTREKFANS.NET.


Alterego is the assistant administrator of STARTREKFANS.NET


Global moderators (moderators who watch all the forums) are Ace, ddillard, master_q, mj, RikerChick, spacetigger, Takara_Soong, TransporterMalfunction & Luvin1stdegree.


The ultimate decision of when moderators are added to the boards and who becomes a moderator is VBG’s. Any candidate for becoming a Moderator must have a minimum of 500 postings before they will be considered and the current Moderators all have a voice in electing new Moderators, so it is a group decision by the current Moderators. There are no guarantees that you that you will become a moderator but all names are considered if more moderators are added in the future.



Can anyone become a member of STARTREKFANS.NET?


Yes. We are a community that, like Star Trek itself, welcomes all. The only requirement we have is that you enter a valid email address when you register as a member. Once you have registered you will receive an email from STARTREKFANS.NET to verify your email address is valid.



Why do you have to verify my email address?


We are very proud of being a spam free environment. Most spammers will register at a site multiple times using non-functioning email addresses in order to create havoc. Verifying email addresses is a precaution we take to ensure that STARTREKFANS.NET stay spam free.



Here is a list of common Trek and non-Trek abbreviations and what they mean:




Abbr - Meaning

TOS - The Original Series

TAS - The Animated Series

TNG - The Next Generation

DS9 - Deep Space 9

VOY - Voyager

ENT - Enterprise

TMP - Star Trek: The Motion Picture (ST:I)

TWOK - Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan (ST:II)

TSFS - Star Trek: The Search For Spock (ST:III)

TVH - Star Trek: The Voyage Home (ST:IV)

TFF - Star Trek: The Final Frontier (ST:V)

TUC - Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country (ST:VI)

GEN - Star Trek: Generations (ST:VII)

FC - Star Trek: First Contact (ST:VIII)

INS - Star Trek: Insurrection (ST:IX)

NEM - Star Trek: Nemesis (ST:X)

BOBW - TNG episodes Best of Both Worlds

AGT - TNG episodes All Good Things…

B&B - Rick Berman and Brannon Braga




Abbr - Meaning

lol - laugh out loud or lots of laughs

rofl - rolling on floor laughing

btw - by the way

omg - oh my gosh

imo - in my opinion

imho - in my humble opinion

ty - thank you

yw - you're welcome

wb - welcome back

cya - see ya

j/k - just kidding

brb - be right back

ppl - people

g2g - got to go

pm - private message

im - instant message

w/ - with

nvm - never mind

bfn - bye for now

ttfn - ta ta for now

btw - by the way

gr8 - great

m8 - mate

k - ok

np - no problem

sn - screen name

n/t - not true

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