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Conan O'Brien in Toronto

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I just thought I'd post this article about Conan O'Brien being in Toronto. He's filming 4 episodes in Toronto, the first of which aired last night with guests Mike Myers and Ron James (Canadian comedian). This is the first time any late night host has filmed north of the border. This is all motivated by the fact that Toronto lost a lot of tourism from SARS.


Conan O'Brien tapes first of four late-night TV shows as Toronto fans wowed


His scheduled guests are:

Tonight: Michael J. Fox, Nickelback and a world champion moose caller

Thursday: Adam Sandler and Stompin' Tom Connors (Canadian Icon)

Friday: Eric McCormack, Jim Carrey, and the Barenaked Ladies.


I really enjoyed the Maple Leafs clip even though I didn't actually see it on the show. It was aired this morning on Sportscentre. It was hilarious! He got in a fight with Tie Domi!

I wanted to include some pictures but they didn't work.

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This looks like it will be a typical Jack_Bauer post. Receives some mild attention at the beginning but then drops like a stone.


I don't mind it just always seems to happen.

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This looks like it will be a typical Jack_Bauer post. Receives some mild attention at the beginning but then drops like a stone.


I don't mind it just always seems to happen.

I read the article, but did not respond. I'm sorry Jack.

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This looks like it will be a typical Jack_Bauer post. Receives some mild attention at the beginning but then drops like a stone.


I don't mind it just always seems to happen.

Lol. I know the feeling well. That is my typical post as well: a couple of responses, and then nothing. Haha.

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Well, Conan is stirring up some controversy now. Anyone who saw the show last night knows what I mean.


Last night, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog went to Quebec and made some comments that insulted French Canadians. This controversy has even made it into Parliament.

I knew that if Triumph was on it would be bad but his comments were inappropriate IMO.

Late Night with Conan O'Brien has issued an apology for Triumph's comments.


Just out of curiousity, are the American viewers of Conan O'Brien in Toronto getting the jokes? I know most of them are universal but there are some that seem to be Canadian-specifc.

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I'm Canadian, so I got most of 'em. B)


All his guests are awesome. I can't wait to see Jim Carrey, and I can't believe I missed Micheal J. Fox.

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Well, Conan is stirring up some controversy now. Anyone who saw the show last night knows what I mean.


Last night, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog went to Quebec and made some comments that insulted French Canadians. This controversy has even made it into Parliament.

I knew that if Triumph was on it would be bad but his comments were inappropriate IMO.

Late Night with Conan O'Brien has issued an apology for Triumph's comments.


Just out of curiousity, are the American viewers of Conan O'Brien in Toronto getting the jokes? I know most of them are universal but there are some that seem to be Canadian-specifc.

I myself don't watch Conan, I've never really found him all that funny. I did read an article about the jokes causing a stir though.


Conan Story


I don't see the problem, it's a low brow comedy show making low brow jokes. They should have known that this is they type of thing they would get when they invited him.


I would be curious to know what the same people that are outraged thought about what happened to the U.S. childrens hockey team during (or shortly after) the opening months of the war in Iraq while they were playing a game against a Canadian childrens hockey team though.


I don't remember the exact things that were chanted and screamed at the children but they were on the lines of "Baby Killers!" and "Nazis!". To me THAT was the real outrage.

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I would be curious to know what the same people that are outraged thought about what happened to the U.S. childrens hockey team during (or shortly after) the opening months of the war in Iraq while they were playing a game against a Canadian childrens hockey team though.


I don't remember the exact things that were chanted and screamed at the children but they were on the lines of "Baby Killers!" and "Nazis!". To me THAT was the real outrage.

"I can tell you are French -- I can smell your crotch from here," a beret-wearing Triumph said to one over-styled downtown dude. His victims seemed shocked and uncomprehending.


"You're French and Canadian? That means you're obnoxious and dumb?" he barked at one man who refused to get upset.


A translator then had the brutal task of insulting these Carnival goers in their own tongue.


One couple showed the dog their backs.


"You're in North America -- learn the language," Triumph heckled.


And later: "Are you separatists? Listen carefully: Do you hear that? It's the sound of nobody giving a crap."


Oh..... my...... No that is pretty bad. I am honestly shocked. :wow:


And that hockey thing?? That's terrible!! No child should ever be subjected to that!

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Shocking, Poor taste, bad comedy yes. But I don't see it as "Racist". Unless the French Canadian's are considered to be a different race in Canada? If so then I could understand that characterization, my understanding though is that they just speak a different language.


It seems that the jokes hit a nerve that already existed. For those that live in Canada, is it the general opinion that Quebec is arrogant and needs to be knocked down a notch? These are a few quotes I read online:


Triumph seemed to tap into la belle province backlash. "It was great to see the arrogant Quebecers put in a uncomfortable position. We always 'assume the position' for them, it was good to see them made fun of," wrote Dave Morris.


"Thank you Conan for making fun of the arrogance that is Quebec," wrote Shawn Gordon of Pickering, Ont.


Added Jake Z: "Quebec has had it coming for a long time and ironically it took an American to dish it out. The audience wasn't laughing nervously but genuinely enjoyed it because it was the truth!"


Hey, we laugh at Americans, as more than one reader pointed out. "It amazes me how Canadians can insult Americans but we can't take the shots back. Last night, they had a guy in the audience acting like a stereotypical ignorant American, I guess that is acceptable!" Lorne wrote.


I don't like Conan, don't like his show and don't really find him funny. I find the comic dog insulting and pretty stupid but I don't think it is of such a serious nature that governments need to get involved. They just know now, like the NFL learned that they have to know who they are inviting to entertain them and be careful that those entertainers won't be an embarrassment.


Probably the biggest problem was that it was an outsider making the comments. It's one thing to make fun of or criticize your own people but to have an outsider from another country do it makes it more insulting.

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Actually that really irritated me because I've been to Montreal several times, and there are some of the nicest people you will ever see there. I am also French Canadian and his comments directly impacted me.


About that hockey game, it was a big deal on my news. They had debates on how those people should be ashamed for the damage they put on those children and the name and respect of Canada.

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