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Master & Commander

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I went to see this movie today. It was actually better than I expected. It had a fairly good story and a couple interesting characters (although they seemed a little under-developed background-wise). It was fairly interesting and probably more-so knowing that my Grandpa had sailed on a tall ship. The music was also very interesting. It had huge variety. Some parts sounded exactly like the score to Braveheart, and some parts had classical music. It was... different. I enjoyed the classical, but had a hard time getting past the fact that the other music sounded EXACTLY like the Braveheart score.


Anyways, I'd give it an 8/10.


What did everyone else think of this movie?

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I what to see it, But i never had a chance. I will rent it on DVD when it comes out.

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I haven't decided if I will rent the movie or not. The story sounds interesting but I can't stand Russell Crowe.

Lol. My feelings exactly. But I took a risk and went to see it and I defenitely think it is worth at least a rental.


(I still disliked Russel Crowe's character. The doctor was a much better character.)

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