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The Last Samurai

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Who has seen The Last Samurai yet? I saw it last night and it was good. I give it an A-!




Similar Projects Notes: (7/20/02) There's another project in development, at New Regency and John Davis Entertainment, which would be distributed by 20th Century Fox, that also has the title of "The Last Samurai", and a similar premise. That project would also focus on a Civil War veteran, scarred by the trauma of war, who travels to Japan as a mercenary, but the difference is that in this one, he teams up with a samurai who helps him find inner peace (basically, this film's hero is on the other side of the conflict than in Cruise's movie). At this point, if it ever does get made, it's likely to do so with a new title. (11/12/03) Another "similar project" has come to light in the form of a lawsuit of "unfair labor practice" charges being filed by writer Garner Simmons (he's mostly worked on TV shows like 'Poltergeist: The Legacy'), who claims this project was inspired by his 1992 script called 'West of the Rising Sun.' Simmons' dispute with the WGA is that they refused to arbitrate his claim as they do with many other screenwriting crediting issues.


Not Based Upon: This movie is not based upon the novel, "The Last Samurai", by Helen DeWitt, which was published in 2000 by Talk Miramax.


Civil War Veteran Note: (7/20/02) Curiously enough, Tom Cruise signed on to this project to play a Civil War veteran after dropping out of Cold Mountain, in which he would've also played a Civil War veteran, on the long journey home after the war. Jude Law signed on for that role instead.


Premise: Set in the late 1870s, this epic film depicts the beginnings of the modernization of Japan, as the island nation evolved past a feudal society, as symbolized by the eradication of the samurai way of life. We see all this happen from the point of view of an alcoholic Civil War veteran turned Winchester guns spokesman, Captain Woodrow Algren (Cruise), who arrives in Japan to train the troops of the emperor, Meiji, as part of a break away from the long-held tradition of relying on employed samurai warriors to protect territories, as the emperor's new army prepares to wipe out the remaining samurai warriors. When Algren is injured in combat and captured by the samurai, he learns about their warrior honor code from their leader, Katsumoto, which forces him to decide which side of the conflict he actually wants to be on... (Spall plays Algren's translator; Connolly plays a friend of Algren's who acquired a limp in the war; Goldwyn plays Algren's commanding officer who recruits him to go to Japan.)


Language: English, with some scenes in Japanese with English subtitles.


MPAA Rating: R (for strong violence and battle sequences)


Running Time: 2 Hours 45 mins.

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I haven't seen it yet, but a few friends went (I couldn't go. I was playing hockey with other friends) and they said that it was amazing.

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Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow! That movie was amazing. Very moving. I was almost in tears by the end. (There have been very few movies that have moved me to tears so this is a feat). This was a superbly acted, superbly directed, and superbly score movie. It was so great. The score was absolutely awesome. Hans Zimmer truly is a great composer. Probably Tom Cruise's best, and most moving and dramatic, performance to date. I really like this movie.


I give it a 5/5.

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I haven't seen it but to those who have, did you hear what almost happened to Tom Cruise when they were shooting the movie?


If you know don't bother reading this:

Click for Spoiler:



From what I've heard, Cruise was sitting on this automatic horse which is supposed to drop when this other character, attempting to decapitate Cruise's character, rides through the scene with a sword.

Anyway, the automatic horse jammed and the man with the sword stopped just one or two inches away from Cruise's neck. From that point on they switched to rubber swords for that scene.


Can you imagine what would have happened if Cruise had been killed?



I really have no desire to see this movie, it looks okay but I've never really been a big fan of Tom Cruise. I just posted in this thread to tell you that story.

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Holy crap! That would've been a controversial movie! Wow. That would've sucked.


I really have no desire to see this movie, it looks okay but I've never really been a big fan of Tom Cruise. I just posted in this thread to tell you that story.


That's exactly what I thought as well. But then people started telling me how good it was and so I went to see it. It was so great. Very powerful. I recommend it. Tom Cruise actually does a really good job acting in this film.

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I just got the soundtrack. Wow. It worked perfectly in the movie and I loved the music in the film. Being able to listen to it all the time rocks. It is really nice. I think it's safe to say that it is a very beautifully composed score. Bravo Mr. Zimmer! You've done it again.

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ive just seen this movie on christmas day. IT WAS GREAT, toms best movie ever, im not a big cruise fan, i like top gun, risky business, and the nascar movie, cant think of the name, but this is by far his best work, and other than that it is one of my new favorites. it was amazing. i cant wait for it to come out on dvd.

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