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Wang Voices Vulcan County App

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A new smartphone app for Vulcan County, Alberta, Canada features the voice of Star Trek: Voyager‘s Garrett Wang.


The new app will enable those using it to “take a science tour through the county, find a deal in the digital coupon book and enjoy a celebrity-narrated walking tour.”


“Created by Seekers Media, Edmonton, in conjunction with Vulcan Business Development Society (VBDS) and Vulcan Tourism, the app allows visitors to engage in the region, share their findings with social media networks and reference the digital guidebook.”


“We are thrilled to have Star Trek‘s Garrett Wang come in and do the voiceovers for the audio tour in this app; it’s a really cool feature that takes people for two separate walking tours of Vulcan,” said Catherine Pooley, Vulcan’s tourism coordinator. “Or get into the scavenger hunt and win yourself a prize; we’ve built lots of very cool features in the app to keep Vulcan in the space ages.”


The Vulcan app is now available for iPad, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.




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