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Two Star Trek Comic Previews

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Fans waiting for Star Trek #7 and Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #6 to go on sale tomorrow can see a preview of both issues today.


In Star Trek #7, “The adventures of the new crew of the Enterprise continue in this all new two-part story that takes place soon after the events of the last film! While Vulcans struggle to survive in the wake of their homeworld’s destruction at the hands of rogue Romulans, and some Vulcans believe that the logical response can be summed up in one word: revenge!”


Star Trek #7, written by Mike Johnson, with art by Joe Corroney and cover by Tim Bradstreet, is thirty-two pages long and will sell for $3.99.


In Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #6, “It’s all been building up to this. Captain Kirk, Cosmic Boy, and the rest of the timelost Legionnaires and Starfleet officers have reached the end of the line, and are confronted with the powerful forces which have unwritten their respective histories. But with half of their teams stranded in the past and the other half held prisoner in the future, what chance do they have of overcoming the odds and restoring the worlds they once knew?”


Thirty-two pages in length, Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #6 was written by Chris Roberson, with art by Jeffrey Moy and Philip Moy, with covers by Phil Jimenez and Jeffrey Moy. The comic will sell for $3.99.


The four thumbnails below include two from Star Trek #7 (the first two thumbnails) and two from In Star Trek/Legion of Superheroes #6 (the last two thumbnails). Click on each thumbnail to enlarge.


More pages can be seen at the referring site.


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