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Nichols on Blogtalkradio For Japan Earthquake Relief

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Nichelle Nichols was the guest on Blogtalkradio yesterday in a forty-five minute interview which fans can hear here.



The actress who played Lieutenant Uhura appeared on the show in hopes of obtaining support for the victims of the Japanese earthquake relief efforts. “It’s only been three or four weeks,” she said, “and with the nature of communication and television and news service, at least they are still involved with reporting but much of it is very negative.”






NNicholsSmall1.gif“I saw these incredible people with such dignity in the face of such enormous catastrophe,” she said of watching the early coverage of the disaster. “Not that they were complaisant or anything about it. … In their pain, there was such beauty in their dignity. I saw the same thing on a different level in Haiti.”



Nichols had given anonymously to help after the recent Haitian earthquake, but decided after seeing the double tragedy of a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami to make her support public in hopes of getting more people to assist the Japanese victims.



On Nichols’s Facebook page, located here, she has made the following offer: “The first 1,000 people that donate $50 or more to any organization listed on USAid, I will sign & mail an autographed photo to you! I do this in honor of my dear friend George Takei and his family. Just email a copy of your donation receipt dated 3/18 or later to me and I will mail an autographed photo to you.”



In addition to speaking about the earthquake relief effort, Nichols shared memories about her Star Trek days and she updated fans about her new one-woman musical show.





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Good for Nichols. There are so many diasasters lately that people need to be reminded that there are many people still in need in Japan.

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