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New 'Star Trek XI' Trailer Debuts

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'Star Trek' fans flock to James Bond film to see latest 'Star Trek XI' trailer. (Given the enormity of this story I am putting a copy of the link info here.)



By T'Bonz

November 15, 2008 - 2:20 AM


Fans who like both James Bond movies and Star Trek got a double treat when the new Star Trek XI trailer was shown with Quantum of Solace, the new Bond movie, except in some cases where the trailer wasn't shown with the movie, to the disappointment of some fans.


As reported by SyFy Portal, some fans who went to midnight showings of Quantum of Solace were disappointed when the expected Star Trek XI trailer wasn't show along with the latest James Bond flick. According to Sy Fy Portal, only about three-fourths of the prints delivered to theaters have the trailer attached. "Many theater owners are mixing and matching which trailers they shove in front of 'Quantum,'" said Josh Tyler of Cinema Blend.


"This is particularly important since Paramount has refused to release the trailer online," said Tyler. "They're holding it gripped tight in their fists until Monday, which means plenty of people are out there heading to see the latest Bond movie in part of in full because they can't wait to see the trailer."


Indeed, fans are eager to see the trailer, if online fan reaction is any indication. "I'm heading to the midnight showing tonight," said TrekBBS poster weekendbiggs. "I'm so excited it isn't funny." Poster seigezunt "Just bought tickets for the Sunday night showing. I love James Bond movies, but haven't seen them in years."


Quantum of Solace, with Daniel Craig as 007, is a sequel to 2006's Casino Royale. In Quantum of Solace, Bond battles a member of the Quantum terrorist organization posing as an environmentalist who intends to take control of a country's water supply.


Some fans have already seen both the trailer and the movie. According to TrekBBS poster Starship Polaris, "Nothing about this, though, looks like any previous "Star Trek" movie. There's quite a sweep to it. If the trailer is any indication, it would have been really strange to have this called "Star Trek 11" followed by a subtitle as if to indicate continuity with the previous ten films. This is just something real, real different." Psion had this to say, "It's a breathless trailer, with a fast-paced editing style that made it hard to follow the action. I'm now sold on Quinto as Spock, he delivered one line, warning Kirk not to oppose him or something, and it was perfectly in character."


For those who prefer to wait and see the trailer online, it will be available at on Monday, November 17.


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I saw the trailer and it looks very good!

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