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#228 - {Official} Star Trek Trivia

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{Official} Star Trek Trivia #228

Score One For the Team!


A Reminder:

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Let's say that I asked "name all the series in a-b-c order." Only one of those series could be mentioned at a time. Each person would also be limited to posting in a specific topic. You can only post one reply in a specific topic per day.


The more people that post in a specific topic (assuming the answers were correct) then more points will be earned by everyone that replied. BUT the chance of someone giving a wrong answer will be slightly more likely. If someone has a monopoly, then few points will be made.


That's basically what I'm outlining. The specific details I'll make up tomorrow . . . . . . [con't]



The number of points will depend on how many participants answered the question.

(The # of Answers will be constant.)




# of Answers = 5 [constant]


# of Participants = 5

# of Points = 15


# of Participants = 4

# of Points = 14


# of Participants = 3

# of Points = 12


# of Participants = 2

# of Points = 9


# of Participants = 1

# of Points = 5



"Someone gave a wrong answer above me"

If you think the person above you gave a wrong answer, then you may say so and correct them. However, if you are wrong then the team is not going to make any points.


The day after I post the question I will check to see if anyone gave an incorrect answer. If this has happened then the team will get no points. If the team gave only correct answers, but has not completed the question then that's OK ...





Here are five starships -








What are the names of these starships? List them in A-B-C order!



*I'm going to make one edit to the question. The first answer from Indy is still correct.




Master Q

Edited by master_q

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I think the first one in alphabetical order would be the U.S.S. Enterprise-D.

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I'm confused which one I should answer?  Shouldn't we start with the first item and go from there?



NCC-74656 - USS Voyager

NCC-2000 -


NCC-1701-D (Enterprise D - already answered)


Alphabetical order.


Umm. Indy picked the Enterprise-D first because that is the first starship when you place all of them in alphabetical order.


What you have to do is look at all of the registry #s

Then figure out what starships have those registry #s

And then out of all of the starship names (their real names not their registry #s) give the answers in a-b-c order according to their names



Does that make sense or no?




I am going to leave this post here (just in case someone else has this confusion)



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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