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Nigerian Woman's Death Sentence overturned.

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Thank God for that!!! Unfortunately I'm sure she won't be the last woman that Amnesty International and other organizations will have to help and rally support for because of such archaic laws.

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It was an unfair law applied unfairly. The father denied involvement and was aquitted for lack of evidence. A DNA test would be appropriate here. I will be glad when they are available worldwide.


Jesus intervened when they tried to stone a woman "caught in the very act" of adultery. If she was caught in the act, where was the man? Strong enough to get away, or too strong to hold. In any case Jesus prevented her stoning.

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There was never any doubt in my mind that it would be over turned, I didn't think they would go through with it.


I believe even a few episodes of Trek deal with this kind of issue. Not the specifics of course but with laws or customs that cause the death of someone seemingly for nothing.


Justice and Half A Life come to mind.

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Great.Glad to hear it.But I'm certain Nigeria's infamous Shariah(I spelled that wrong,I think)courts who judge by the laws of the Qaran(koran?),will find plenty of other innocent victims to "stone". :laugh:

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Great.Glad to hear it.But I'm certain Nigeria's infamous Shariah(I spelled that wrong,I think)courts who judge by the laws of the Qaran(koran?),will find plenty of other innocent victims to "stone". :lol:

This is what happens in a society when you do not have the seperation of religion and government(I don't like the term "church and state",as muslims and other religions do not attend church).I have heard heartbreaking stories about similar incidents all too many times,and in too many parts of the world.I feel everyone should feel free to follow the faith of their choice,but nobody has the right to impress their faith on anyone else.

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