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children in the star Trek universe

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Is it just me,or do the children in the Star Trek universe seem very mean-spirited for youngsters from an "evolved" society?

During Spock's childhood he was tormented relentlessly by so-called "logical" Vulcan children.His human heritage was insulted.His human traits declared weaknesses.

During Belanna Torres' youth,she was ostracized (even by children related to her),and she continued to be haunted by memories of her ordeals well into adulthood.

I could cite more examples,but i think you get where I'm getting at with this.

Why are the children of "a better class" of civilized parents on all Federation planets,such little sh*ts?Could it be that the UFP's very liberal lifestyles and parenting styles (as counseled to Worf by Deanna Troi,concerning Alexander),aren't working?I know that the Federation's laid back "hey,make love not war!We're scientists,not soldiers!" baloney almost cost them the Dominion War,and it was shown on DS9 that the people of Risa and Federation citizens in general wen't all to pieces when something as minor as a weather control system went down.Hopefully,they've learned some things....and I see,I've been rambling.Sorry.

I await your answers.

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Children are children. They've always been like this. They always will be.


Kids like to tease people. In a way, it helps them to fit in. By making fun of someone different from them, they have given that person the identity of an "outsider" and created a group to be a part of. So they can all get together and make fun of this person, while being a part of a group. It's bad, I know, but it's been happening forever. Fitting in is very important to kids. Nobody likes to be teased, or set apart. And if kids don't ally themselves with the teasers, then they will get teased as well.


Also, kids are afraid of what they don't know, or things that they don't understand. They find ways to make up for these fears by throwing insults at people who are different from them.


It all comes from a lack of experience. These kids are only, what... six to ten? They haven't learned enough to be able to appreciate differences. No matter what their parents tell them, or how idealistic a world they live in, they will still be wary of those who are different. There are some things that only maturity and experience can teach a person. I'm sure that they're not all this way once they grow up.

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I think he's trying to say that the offspring of parents who were raised in a society that has been said to be utopian and far more civilized than our own,should at least show some signs of that society in their interaction with other children.I've noticed it,too.Some Trek kids can be vicious little snots.But most are not.Take Naomi Wildman,for an example.Sweet kid.So was that little girl on TNG who befriended that alein (Clara Sutter?).Also,Nog,Jake Sisko,etc.All relatively good kids.

As for Vulcan children.The apples don't fall far from the tree.Lookat adult vulcans...they are elitest,snobbish,arrogant,rude(at least on Enterprise). :blink:

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