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Is there an episodeof tv that affects you?

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When I ask about it affecting you. I don't mean comedy shows, they are gearedtoaffect you


I mean drama, where you agreed with something, of iff they have accurately depicted the way you have orlatterly had experinced events, or if there was an episode that summed up feelings , or allowed you to access something emotional you hadn't allowed yourself to access before.


My two episodeof television come from2 different genres


Teen Horror; Buffy the Vampire Slayer "The Body"

Can be see here

WhenI first saw it, my mum was still alive, so I wondered if it would be like that when my mother died. When my mother died infront of me (Yes click of the fingers sudden) I did react as this acharacter did ("Mom...MOm?...Mommy?") And whilst the paramedicaswere attempting to revive her I had the flashes ofthe alterna worldwhere she was right as rain. It was actually in my experience one of the most accurate portrayal of sudden death I have experienced, and also what mademe realise that this show was the reason I wanted to explore the themes it brought up in a psychological thesis (The idea that whilst tv affects us, we affect it too)


medical Drama; ER, "On The Ocean"

Can be seen here

My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer when I was 16, it was tough on us all especially my father, so I became stoic, and didn't show much emotion about the diagnosis, remained 'strong' for my father. when saw this episode, I sobbed, it allowed me to feel the emotions I had bottled up. Now my father has died of a completely unrelated cancer, I watch and sob for another reason. I can hear all the things my father would have probably loved to have said inhis last days to me,about life, about living, and probably also about dying.


Thats why given a chance I will always watch thse episodes,becausethey gotitright, because it reflected our collective experiences back at us in a meaningful and accurate way.


Are there any that have affected you?

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