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Indonesian Businessman Plans To Drop Money From Airplane

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Indonesian businessman plans to drop money from airplane


Posted: 2008-05-30 05:27:13

JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - If you're short of cash and don't mind running in tropical humidity and smog for a few bucks, read on.


An Indonesian businessman plans to throw 100 million rupiah (US$10,600; euro6,700) out of an airplane over the capital this Sunday as a publicity stunt to promote his new book.


"I want to create a rain of money in Jakarta," author and motivational speaker Tung Desem Waringin said. "It's a little bit crazy, but it's marketing."


Police spokesman Col. I Ketut Untung said authorities may not allow the plan to go forward because it could draw huge crowds and cause chaos.


Tens of millions of Indonesians live on less than US$1 a day and food and aid giveaways always draw large numbers.


The 42-year-old Tung said instead of opting for regular advertising for his book, he came up with an idea that "will make people happy."

I'll buy his book of he drops money over my house.............. :blink:

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