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Job Hunting and the things I have learned

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Interview Tips


Tip one, Fake being calm (JUst not so calm as to fall asleep.)

Tip Two, Speak clearly and slowly (Just not as though you think the other person is retarded)

Tip Three, be concise with your answers, but if you feel something needs clarifying do so, just NO RAMBLING!!!

Tip Four, Smile, before you walk into the interview think of happy memories.

Tip Five, If you are unclear about something ask it a) shows interest in learning and :nono: you may know the practice and not the name of it.

Tip Six, Only think of the questions, not about impressions you physical appearance might give.

Tip Seven, Think before answering.

Tip Eight, when asked to take theoretical information and simplify it, always make it relate-able to real life experiences.

Tip Nine, Have a sense of humor

Tip Ten, Be confident, if you can't be confident, FAKE it.


CV Tips


Tip One, Your details in an easy to read font and clear size goes at the top.

Tip Two, Include a two sentence statement about who you are professionally and what your goal is.

Tip Three, If you aren't specific about your jobs, you are after, as I wasn't, Have different statements to suit each type of job you are after. So for one CV you could be looking for Administration work, and in the other you are looking for Retail.

Tip Four, List each job you have had, and under each job, include what you learned and your experiences that you can transfer to the job you are after.

Tip Five, Maintain the same font through out your CV.

Tip Six, If you have volunteer experience even though it is recent, put it after your PAID experience.

Tip Seven, always write; references on request.

Tip Eight, Always highlight that you are team player but that you are versatile enough to work on your own.

Tip Nine, Include only the interests you have that are applicable to your goal job.

Tip Ten, Always write a short cover letter when sending your CV.


Hope I haven't annoyed any of you by being asinine and making out you are all idiots. It is just the accumulation of experience I wrote out. And hey if it helps anyone then I am happy about it.

Edited by Unadopted Angelic

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