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Lunar eclipse this Tuesday

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Apparently, there will be a lunar eclipse this Tuesday (early morning). It will start at 1:51 AM and end at 5:24 AM. From what I understand, the western portion of the United States will see a total eclipse.


Makes me wish I was going to be up in the mountains for it.


Anyone else going to check it out?


EDIT: Oh, here's some information on it.

Edited by WishfireOmega

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Apparently, there will be a lunar eclipse this Tuesday (early morning). It will start at 1:51 AM and end at 5:24 AM. From what I understand, the western portion of the United States will see a total eclipse.


Makes me wish I was going to be up in the mountains for it.


Anyone else going to check it out?


EDIT: Oh, here's some information on it.


You do not need to go in the mountians to see a lunar eclipse. As long as the night is clear you will see it.

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Well, yeah... but I live right between Los Angeles and San Diego, both of which can haze up the sky with pollution. Not to mention that many of the surrounding areas here in Orange County put up enough ambient light to make the night-time sky seem less spectacular than it should.


Also, up the mountains a clear night is even more so due to the thinner atmosphere. Besides, I like being up there.

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If you can see the moon you will see the lunar eclipse. I have seen both in the city and country. It is still the same.

Edited by Odie

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Well, that's you. :roflmao: Like I said, I also like being up in the mountains. If I had the money, I'd build a cabin up there and live there.

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Actually the best place to view stars is on ship in the middle of the ocean. :roflmao:

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