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Producers nab rights to Pillow Fight League

Posted Apr 4th 2007 3:03PM by Adam Finley

Filed under: Sports, OpEd


When I first heard about the Pillow Fight League, a team of women in very little clothing who engage in pillow fights, I immediately thought of that line from The Simpsons when the family is at an auto race and the announcer says, "And now, something for the guys!" to which Homer replies, "Finally!"


So, if you're like Homer and think there just aren't enough chances to see scantily-clad women on television, start praying to the God of TV Lust that the Pillow Fight League makes it to television.



Producers Eddie October and Al Berman, who acquired the television rights to the "sport," will be pitching the concept to networks later this month.


The ladies of the Pillow Fight League have stage names like "Boozy Suzy" and "Betty Clock'er," and are "empowered," according to October. Also, their nicknames imply they enjoy getting drunk and spending time in the kitchen, which should attract that untapped demographic of males who arrived here recently through a time vortex from the year 1949.


OK, though, you really want this idea to catch on? I say toss out the real pillow fighting and make it fake, like professional wrestling. Chicks whopping each other with pillows will get old fast, but add a few dramatic storylines and some evil team members who fill their with pillow cases with rocks and broken glass, and you've got yourself a hit.


I think this is already Van Roy's favorite show!... :dude:

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