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Hero Challenged Bomber

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Hero challenged 'bomber'




January 17, 2007


A LONE Tube passenger challenged a suicide terrorist when his bomb failed to properly explode, the 21/7 trial heard yesterday.


Brave Angus Campbell “remonstrated” with Ramzi Mohammed as panicking travellers fled the carriage in which the alleged Muslim fanatic detonated his device, the jury was told.


Prosecuting QC Nigel Sweeney said Mohammed, 25, was surprised to find himself still alive.


And he responded to fireman Mr Campbell by pretending he was an innocent party to the drama, it was said.


The passenger’s stand was revealed as CCTV footage of Mohammed’s alleged onslaught was shown to Woolwich Crown Court.


The trial has heard he was one of six extremists who plotted more carnage on London’s Tube and bus network on July 21 2005, a fortnight after the 7/7 atrocities.


Four of them allegedly detonated bombs made from hydrogen peroxide hairdressing fluid, chapati flour, batteries and nails. But all the devices failed to explode.


The CCTV pictures showed Mohammed boarding a “quite full” Northern Line train at Stockwell, which headed off towards Oval.


Mr Sweeney said: “A fellow traveller noticed he appeared to be whispering.”


The prosecutor added: “Mr Mohammed turned so his rucksack was facing a mother and her child, and fired the bomb.


“The detonator fired but the main charge did not. People fled the carriage in panic.


“The detonator blew the plastic container in the rucksack apart. The bomb contents, nails and shrapnel, spewed on to the floor of the carriage.”


The footage showed Mohammed and Mr Campbell alone in the carriage at 12.26pm.


The QC said: “Mr Campbell was made of firmer stuff and remonstrated with Mr Mohammed.


“Mr Mohammed said not that it was a bomb, but rather, ‘What’s the matter, it is bread, it isn’t me, it was that’, pointing to the rucksack. He placed the rucksack on the floor of the carriage, no doubt the best he could do, being surprised to find himself alive.”


More grainy film was said to have shown Mohammed fleeing from Oval station, sprinting up the “down” escalator and being chased by passers-by.


Mr Sweeney also showed the jury photos of what was left in the train — a pile of oozing substance identified as hydrogen peroxide.


The QC said Mohammed left a suicide note for his family — retrieved from the home of an alleged associate.


He allegedly wrote: “I beg Allah to accept this action from me . . . he promises martyrdom to whom he wishes.”


Addressing his two sons, he added: “Be good Muslims, obey your mother. Adam, look after your little brother Malik and you shall see me again in paradise.”


The six accused men all deny plotting to murder and conspiracy to cause explosions likely to endanger life.


They are Mohammed; Muktar Ibrahim, 28; Yassin Omar, 26; Hussain Osman, 28; Manfo Kwaku Asiedu, 33, and Adel Yahya, 24. The trial continues.




I like how this guy was "brave" enough to blow himself up along with women and children but when the bomb failed, he turned into a coward and ran.


Here's a Follow Up Story:


Omar's 'plea to Muslim woman'


January 17, 2007


ACCUSED Yassin Omar demanded a Muslim stranger take him to her home as he fled the failed suicide attack, the trial heard.


Prosecutor Nigel Sweeney, QC, said when she declined Omar protested: “What kind of Muslim are you, not to help another Muslim.”


He approached the woman near Warren Street Tube where he had tried to blow up his explosive-filled rucksack, it was said.


The QC alleged Omar, said to have married four days before, first asked the woman in Muslim dress: “Take me to your home.”


What a jerk!

Edited by Kor37

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