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The night's first episode is Horizon.




Ensign Mayweather is reuinted with his family.


Episode Synopsis from ST.COM:


Enterprise reverses course to investigate a geological phenomenon — a planet that's about to be covered with erupting volcanoes. The course change will take the ship near the E.C.S. Horizon, the cargo ship where Mayweather grew up. Mayweather requests a few days off to make a family visit — he hasn't been home in several years, and his father is ill. The ensign is somewhat nervous about seeing his family — his father didn't seem to approve of his decision to leave Horizon to join Starfleet. Ultimately, Mayweather's homecoming proves to be bittersweet — when he contacts his mother, Rianna, she reveals that his father died a few weeks ago.


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Once aboard Horizon, Mayweather finds himself adapting to the rough-around-the-edges cargo ship. It's sturdy, but doesn't boast the high-tech perks of the warp-5 Enterprise. Most of the ship's crew welcomes Mayweather warmly, expressing pride at the young ensign's accomplishments. Still, Mayweather can't help but feel a bit out of place. His brother, Paul, was promoted to captain upon their father's death. While Paul acts like he knows what he's doing, Horizon isn't exactly running like clockwork — the new captain doesn't seem to be quite ready for the job. He also seems resentful of Mayweather — when Mayweather attempts to make a few upgrades to Horizon, Paul curtly asks him to stop.


Soon, the Horizon faces a new, potentially disastrous challenge. An alien ship attacks the cargo vessel, attaching a dangerous homing device to its hull. Mayweather surmises that the device could explode if they try to detach it. Also, the crew notes that another ship was attacked several weeks earlier after a similar device was planted on their hull. An alien cruiser stole their shipment and killed several crewmembers. While Mayweather wants to adapt some of Horizon's systems in order to better prepare it for a possible fight, Paul insists that they jettison some of the cargo and attempt to make it to their next stop as soon as possible. If they can't make it, they will simply turn the cargo over to the aliens. Mayweather isn't too fond of this plan, but Paul is firm — this is his decision.


Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Trip is trying to convince T'Pol to come to a screening of "Frankenstein." T'Pol has no interest in human horror movies, but Archer eventually convinces her to go — fraternizing with the rest of the crew will be good for her. To her surprise, T'Pol finds herself engrossed in the movie. In fact, she later tells Archer and Trip that she sees it as parallel to the experience the Vulcans had when they first landed on Earth. She notes that she is looking forward to watching "Bride of Frankenstein."


On Horizon, Mayweather is making a few upgrades without Paul's knowledge. When Paul finds out, he angrily confronts his brother. Mayweather, however, is firm — he's just trying to help his family and the crew. Later on, the ship is approached by an alien cruiser. Paul prepares to surrender their cargo, but then the aliens make another request — surrender the Horizon. Paul enlists Mayweather's experience, ordering his brother to bring the makeshift weapons upgrades online and take the helm. Mayweather suggests cutting the cargo loose and battling the alien ship with Horizon's command module. Paul agrees, and the brothers are able to successfully fend off the alien attack.


In the end, Paul reconciles with his brother, and sends Mayweather back to Enterprise. Pleased that he and Paul have come to an understanding, Mayweather promises to visit soon.






Episode 2 for the evening is The Breach:




The Enterprise must rescue a group of Denobulan scientists from a planet that has been taken over by a militant faction.


Episode Synopsis from ST.COM:


Enterprise is asked to evacuate a group of Denobulan geologists from Xantoras, a world that has been taken over by a militant faction. The Denobulans are located in some underground caverns, so the rescue team — Mayweather, Trip and Reed — will have to traverse some treacherous rock formations in order to get them out. Meanwhile, another ship of off-worlders is headed away from Xantoras when their reactor casing is ruptured, flooding the ship with radiation. When the Xantoran officials refuse to let the ship land, Archer agrees to bring the evacuees onboard Enterprise for treatment. One of the evacuees is an Antaran named Hudak, who is horrified that Enterprise's doctor is Denobulan. Phlox explains to Archer that the Denobulans and Antarans have a troubled, bloody history between them — the two species have gone to war several times. Even though it's been three hundred years since the last conflict, much bad blood still exists between them.


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As it turns out, Hudak has absorbed a heavy dose of radiation and will need a medical procedure in order to live. Hudak, however, refuses to be treated by a Denobulan, and Phlox won't treat a patient against their wishes. Archer threatens to order Phlox to do so, but the doctor stands firm — he will not treat the Antaran until Hudak gives his consent.


Meanwhile, Trip, Reed and Mayweather are attempting to navigate the treacherous caves on Xantoras. Mayweather is a skilled climber, and attempts to teach Reed and Trip various techniques. Unfortunately, the trio suffers a dangerous fall, and Mayweather injures his ankle. As he cannot proceed, Trip and Reed continue on without him and eventually locate the Denobulan geologists. The geologists, however, are unwilling to leave. Their research is going very well and they've collected many important rock samples.


On Enterprise, Archer tries to convince Phlox to set aside his preconceptions and attempt to get through to Hudak. If the Antaran doesn't receive the necessary treatment soon, he will die. Phlox attempts to make conversation with Hudak, but Hudak isn't interested. He asks Phlox if he ever told his children stories about evil Antarans, or taught them to be afraid of the Antaran people. Hudak's harsh words cause Phlox to examine his own upbringing — he remembers being taught to hate Antarans, and was determined not to raise his own children the same way. He tells Hudak that he tried to educate his children, to raise them so they wouldn't be prejudiced against other species. He also reveals that his son Mettus did end up embracing hateful, anti-Antaran values, and that this has created a rift between father and son. In the end, Phlox's words move Hudak, and the Antaran can't help but think of his own children. He agrees to go through with the procedure.


Meanwhile, a frustrated Trip has finally convinced the Denobulan geologists to leave the cave. As the caves are rocked by nearby fire, Archer discovers that a Xantoras patrol has opened fire on soldiers from a previous regime. Archer manages to convince the Governor of Xantoras to stop firing until Trip and the others return to Enterprise. They escape just in time, and the Denobulan geologists are brought safely onboard.


Having successfully recovered from the treatment, Hudak prepares to leave. Archer sees him off, informing him that the Denobulan geologists will be joining Hudak on the transport. Hudak is cautious, but seems more open to the idea than he would have previously. As Hudak heads off, Phlox sits in Sickbay, penning a letter to his son. He expresses that a recent experience has changed him and he hopes his son will listen. Perhaps it's the first step in re-building a bridge between a father and his estranged child.


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