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Just a friendly reminder

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Just a friendly reminder to new users participating



First of all I highly recommend that you take a look at the rules.


When answering please send me a PM and in that PM make sure you include BOTH the # of the question you are answering and the answer.


It would also make my life a bit easier if you answer multiple questions in one PM. (However, this is not required and I do understand some people answer a few questions one day and the next day a few more ...)




A topic that contains a question and is closed (f_closed.gif) is not available to answer. (The question was from a pervious week. To see the answer to that question scroll down in the topic to see the reply.)



As always ...

Thank you for your cooperation

Hosting the trivia has been a lot of fun and is made possible by the people that participate & keep participating!



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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Another suggestion to participants -


Sometimes people wait till Friday to answer the trivia questions and that's ok, but you run the risk of me adding up the points for the week and closing the questions before you send in your answers.


If you send in your answer to a question after I close that question, then I will not give you credit. My suggestion is that you try to answer the trivia questions before Friday so you don't run the risk of sending them in too late.



Master Q

Edited by master_q

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I guess I'll have to post in this again to hopefully catch the attention of a few people.


If you don't follow the rules then I'll delete your PM and move on to the next one (it's as simple as that)



Master Q

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