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UFO convetion in my area

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Today there was an UFO convention in Ocean Shores which is about a half hour from my house so i decided to drive down there and check it out.It turned out to to be very fun.I got to talk with alot of people who have seen UFO's or had(claimed)to have had alien experiences.One man whose had lived in Ocean Shores most of his life said he was in Roswell during the UFO crash.He says he saw the trucks driving down the road with pieces of strange looking metal sticking out the back.I found everybody's stories to be fascinating and it really opened my eyes and I was able to tell my own.So i figured I would tell my story with all of you.


3 years ago my family and i were staying at a friends house because we were in the middle of moving cause we were evicted.Anyways one night me and my friend were walking to 7-11 at about 01:30 hours when we looked into the sky and seen the weirdest thing.There were three objects in the sky shaped somewhat like geese flying through the air.Now the thing that made this weird was that they were golden and going extremely fast.It was a clear night and they moved across the entire sky in about 4 seconds.During that time they preformed airial maneuvers unlike anything I had every seen.We came to the conclusion that what we saw was either government aircraft advanced far beyond anything the public has ever known about or they were UFO's.I think they were UFO's.Man I sure wish I had a camera that day.That was the day that I firmly started believing in the existence of alien species and it was the day that Star Trek became more than just a tv show to me.


So my question to you is this. Have you had any UFO or alien experiences and if so what were they.I would love to hear your stories if you would be willing to share them.


Oh and by the way i might mention that there were a few trekkies there as well that i met.

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I've seen a UFO. Might have been the International Space Station and/or the Space Shuttle as they were visible that night.


Anywho, here's what I saw.


I was coming home from a late walk. It was about 8:30 PM or 9:30 PM, can't remember. Anywho, I saw a light in the sky, so, as usual, I stop to watch, thinking it's a plane. (I like watching planes fly through the sky, don't ask, I just do. :rolleyes: ) Anywho, lights seemed to form a plane, but with a few extra lights. I figured it might be the international space station or a very massive plane, high up. Well, this "thing", for lack of a better word, flies toward me, but off toward my left. Then it turns a bit toward the right, and then again in my direction. The object turned left again, and then started flying a bit to the left... then it flew in a straigh line for a while before taking a slight right. It kept making these slight turns every 10 seconds or so, heaving in the same relative direction, till it was out of sight. It was moving pretty fast too, like a plane flying at low altitude, but it was high up, flying over clouds and stuff.


My memory if how it turned and all isn't accurrate, but there ya go. My dad said it was the international space station. However, I don't think space stations just "change direction" like that, and I highly doubt they zip across the sky in about 2 mins.


Anywho, what do you guys think it was? Personally, I just thought it was a jumbo jet making coarse corrections or something.

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I've seen a UFO.  Might have been the International Space Station and/or the Space Shuttle as they were visible that night.


Anywho, here's what I saw.


I was coming home from a late walk.  It was about 8:30 PM or 9:30 PM, can't remember.  Anywho, I saw a light in the sky, so, as usual, I stop to watch, thinking it's a plane.  (I like watching planes fly through the sky, don't ask, I just do. :rolleyes: )  Anywho, lights seemed to form a plane, but with a few extra lights.  I figured it might be the international space station or a very massive plane, high up.  Well, this "thing", for lack of a better word, flies toward me, but off toward my left.  Then it turns a bit toward the right, and then again in my direction.  The object turned left again, and then started flying a bit to the left...  then it flew in a straigh line for a while before taking a slight right.  It kept making these slight turns every 10 seconds or so, heaving in the same relative direction, till it was out of sight.  It was moving pretty fast too, like a plane flying at low altitude, but it was high up, flying over clouds and stuff.


My memory if how it turned and all isn't accurrate, but there ya go.  My dad said it was the international space station.  However, I don't think space stations just "change direction" like that, and I highly doubt they zip across the sky in about 2 mins.


Anywho, what do you guys think it was?  Personally, I just thought it was a jumbo jet making coarse corrections or something.




Its possible it could of been an UFO.After what I saw that night it could be anything.I know thats something I will never forget.

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