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Derek Bellamy

United Federation Of Planets Simulation, Wants You

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Imagine joining a role-playing community where you're not just a character onboard a starship, but a citizen of the United Federation of Planets, free to choose any career in Star Trek.

Imagine there is an actual working Federation government, legislating and governing - creating news for journalists to report on, and for you to read in the Federation Herald or one of its close competitors. Enabling you to actually have a vote on who keeps the Presidency.

Imagine there are other similar simming communities representing the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Star Empire, the Cardassian Union and possibly others. All interacting in character and out with one another on a diplomatic and close simming level.

Imagine having access to a website that doesn't just give you the bear facts of the community on a black screen with LCARS... but instead shows you where possible, travelling the stars from one destination to another depending on who your character is. Actually having a home you can see and decorate. Seeing the place you work, your office or other. Being able to interact with consoles to retrieve information, all the while being able to see your surroundings.

Imagine being immersed into a simming environment where there are no bounds for your character in the Trek universe.


Ever imagine being a part of an organisation that aims to create all this?

Then read on.


My name's Derek Bellamy. I'm currently Senior Project Developer at a revolutionary RPG called The United Federation Of Planets Simulation, or UFP Sim for short. In short it aims to create all of the above, immersing simmers into a deeper then ever recreation of the Trek universe we all know and love.

We are currently in the relatively early stages (as of this post) of creating this community.

By creating Federation governmental jobs that both sim in character and perform out of character duties, such as website and forum administration, it allows us to go beyond simply giving the ability for characters to join Starfleet and make their adventures there. Of course that will always be an option .

If Starfleet is the way you wish to go, we are working hard to develop ideas to make the experience all the more real. Creating starcharts for example, where you can see the progress of your starship, allowing you to judge real time and distance from one place to another. Even allowing you to map anomalies and planets previously unknown you have found along your journeys.

Starfleet Admirals will issue orders to starships, but they like many will not be faceless NPCs (non-player characters). They too will be career options that can be obtained. They shall utilise the starcharts to keep tabs on where Starfleets resources are so their missions can relate to their location (should have some fun along the Romulan neutral zone )


As I mentioned above, we are on the lookout for organisations to officially represent foreign powers. We feel that if we can unite different RP organisations to represent their species respectively, it will only intensify the realism we want to employ into simming.


It will also give the ability for people to join in with the Trek universe from any angle they choose, and for the first time create a simming environment where there are actually people to interact with on so many different levels.


There are many features and elements we want to include and I could go on and on (I have a little already), but if you're interested in learning more, please visit our development forum at We truelly welcome opinions from all, especially Star Trek fans who want to contribute in some way. Don't be put off by the subsilver styling on the forums currently (at time of post), we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of phpBB 3 "Olympus", and will not be "redecorating" until we have it installed.


I will be monitoring responces from this post, so feel free to ask any questions and I will answer them ASAP.


Best regards,

Derek Bellamy

Senior Project Developer & Lead StarFleet Developer


PS. Our website, , will not be online until we are ready to preview and test and eventually launch. Information and updates can be found via our development forum (see above for address). However if you would like to take a preview of the Tempoary RolePlaying Forums, then feel free th visit them at this is were all RolePlay is taking place during the construction period.

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Well,even if you dont roleplay. But intressted in starting. There are players more the willing to help new roleplayers learn the ropes. Aswell as the manual we use is very stright forward and easy to learn.


Anyone who wants to talk or more questions feel free to add me to msn or email me at

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