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Who Mourns for Adonais?

What rating would you give "Who Mourns for Adonais?"?  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What rating would you give "Who Mourns for Adonais?"?

    • 5. It's great, I loved it!
    • 4. It's good
    • 3. It's average
    • 2. It's not that good
    • 1. I hated it!

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Probably one of the best acting performances I've seen all around from everybody. Sulu, Spock, Scotty, Kirk, Chekhov, Uhura, McCoy. It seemed like everyone was really in synch for this one. It clicked beautifully. I loved how there was something for which it seemed every major crew person was critical to the unfolding of the plot. Even the others....Mr. Kyle and Apollo drew me in. The only downside for me was Carolyn. The actress did well, but her turning point in the story was just a little too difficult for me to believe. And because it was an important part of the story, it was enough to keep it from being a five. So I gave it a very strong 4. Kirk's line at the end was terrific, too. "I wonder...would it have hurt to gather a *few* laurel leaves?"

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A truly great episode! I agree with the assessment of Carolyn so quickly abandoning her loyalty to Starfleet to join Apollo. It was just like Lt. McGivers when she joined Khan. Although, in Carolyn's case, I can forgive this due to the awesome dress that she wore.... :blink:

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