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Looking for cheap prices and good deals?

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This is a website that my brother told me about, I think I also saw it in my news paper about a year ago.


The official name of the site may tend to offend some people but just ignore their name and focus on the deals that they advertise. Keep in mind that this website isn't selling the products, they just tell you about special deals, coupons or sales at other websites or stores in your local area.


I've seen quite a few really good prices listed for places like Circuit City, Amazon.COM and Dell.


You should bookmark it and check it from time to time, especially if you plan on making a large purchase. Check out their resources before you buy and it could save you a lot of money.


The name of the site is (I'm putting it in a spoiler for those that might be offended):


Click For Spoiler


Or you can go to their direct link (they both lead to the same place) here:

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