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Jeff Ayers Guest Chat

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Special Guest Chat with Jeff Ayers...

In the Chat Room [Link]

Today (Saturday, February 5th), at 5:00PM EST (2PM PST)!



Jeff Ayers is in the process of writing a book for Pocket Books, on the forty-year history of professionally published Star Trek fiction. He has been trying to track down authors of both novels and short stories, and uncover "the stories behind the stories." His book is scheduled to be released in July 2006, to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the series. You will be given the chance to chat with him today, at 5:00PM Eastern (2PM Pacific), in the chat room.


We hope you can come. It should be a lot of fun. :laugh:


Quick Notes:

--Please disable any pop-up blocker you may have on before you enter the chat room.

--If you come late, then please do not disrupt the chat room. Everyone will get the chance to ask our special guest a question, as we take turns in doing so. (I [master_q] will send you a private chat message when it is your turn.)




Edited by master_q

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